Example sentences of "i [was/were] tell the " in BNC.

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1 WHEN pressed to name some rich and famous people who are customers at his London restaurants , Viscount Linley replied : ‘ As I was telling the Queen the other night , I just hate name-dropping . ’
2 Lord knows how long I 'd have been stuck in here before they finally realised I was telling the truth .
3 ‘ Of course I was telling the truth . ’
4 These people , due to my being a prostitute , wanted me to distribute these disgusting videos and by finding this booklet which gave details and prices it pinpointed the fact that I was telling the truth .
5 or not , cos she 'll think I 'm lying , I was but you know , I was n't I was telling the truth
6 Anyway the next day Brocklesby is berthing and I can see the captain pointing at me , my hem was showing my petticoat was showing my hat off and afterwards I said to him erm what was so funny oh he said I was telling the Queen about you having those weeds for the rehearsal yesterday and she thought it was terribly funny
7 Cos I was telling the children .
8 You heard about the eh education secretary 's faux pas somebody from Jack section , he , he 's apparently he slipped up er , and said right and Jack said to him I was to tell the education authorities suggest that you do when the education er clerk turn to Mr and said you are just , streaming is when he put one child in the same group for all subjects , setting is when there in different groups according to their ability , so you could be a Maths set A or an English set B , awkward is n't it ?
9 ‘ I was on a visit doing some coaching when I was told the President and Secretary of State wanted to see me .
10 ( I was told the May trip is great but the blackflies are very bad .
11 I was told the fun was beginning to go out of it , but now it is back as the competition for best fancy dress is nearly as tough as the race itself .
12 I was told the service was really only for pilots flying unaccompanied , who could not maintain a good lookout whilst otherwise engaged , and that the service applied essentially to commercial operations .
13 No mention was made of my helping with the editing , and when I enquired , I was told the programme was nowhere near that stage yet ; in fact , the producer had not yet had time to listen to the — what must be by now — at least four hours of tape .
14 In the late summer of 1986 I was told the answer was a transplant .
15 I failed to get my case for a share of his property and savings heard because I was told the courts do n't recognise a common-law wife .
16 When I was offered the editorship , I was told the clock stood at five to 12 . ’
17 I was told the data was needed for the Medical Division — among a host of other activities INCUBUS owns a number of , pharmaceutical laboratories .
18 ‘ But when I went back the next day , I was told the two shops were no longer connected .
19 Milan can be circumspect about visiting conductors , but on this occasion even the orchestra was stamping its approval for Lorin Maazel , a phenomenon I was told the Scala had not witnessed for over two decades ( you would have thought they might have managed it in the recent past for Muti , watching with no evident rancour from the box : but apparently not ) .
20 I was told the rules , there were not that many and most were sensible .
21 I was told the ring the bell so I did .
22 ‘ I thought we might have got round to talking new terms before breaking up for the summer , but I was told the board were n't able to arrange a meeting .
23 I said when I was told the Echo had seconded me to a new day job , a comic career move .
24 I said when I was told the Echo had seconded me to a new day job , a comic career move .
25 As I was tellin' the others , by the time I leave , I 'll either be fit or dead . ’
26 ‘ Well , as I was tellin' the others , I 'll either be fit or dead by the time I get out of here . ’
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