Example sentences of "i [vb past] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The look she gave me changed from fear to disgust .
2 My arm was beginning to hurt pretty badly , so I decided to pull my chute straight away in case I fainted from loss of blood .
3 Still not worried , still sliding smoothly through the crowds , feeling as elusive as a shadow , I passed from night-spot to night-spot .
4 And that , the answers I got from Government was , use a voluntary body , they do n't have to pay that .
5 And I helped him out with money I got from Dad .
6 Oh , ’ she added , ‘ except that somehow I never mentioned what I got from Dad .
7 I moved from ground level to tower block level , which produced a dynamic image more in keeping with a 20th century view of city life .
8 I forgot all about donating and the transfusion service lost track of me as I moved from house to house over the years , until the other day when the subject came up in the office .
9 As I changed from listening to walking mode , I tried to work out whether it had feet or flippers or ran on rollers .
10 For eighteen months or more I suffered from chest spasms or a form of acute asthma .
11 In the first stages , the first winter , I do n't remember feeling cold at all ; or , at least , I do n't remember that I suffered from cold any more than anyone else did .
12 It would be an exaggeration to say I suffered from morning sickness , but my suspicions were certainly aroused when I began to feel a little queasy in the early part of the day .
13 You know , the difficulty of getting up to the flats , i you know I I suffered from arthritis , and er you know i it was quite a strenuous business to get from the ground up to our own flat .
14 Now the police authorities a and the local authorities and the magistrates may be thought to be indulging in special preening , but I do assure Your Lordships that they really are not alone in expressing their anxieties er about the er er er this bill and what it proposes , for example , if I may , I would like to refer to a letter which I received from Justice , chaired by my Noble Friend Lord Alexander of and with his Vice-chairman er er Lord and er they say as an all-party human rights organisation , Justice considers that the composition of police authorities is an important constitutional issue effecting the independence of policing .
15 Even then I jinked from side to side as I pulled the hood back .
16 Er , it 's in the other magazine I fetched from work after the I 'd left them at work .
17 But all seemed to go well for me as I climbed from boat to boat successfully , and then all I had to do was get to the wall from the last boat .
18 So I graduated from watcher to player and clapped as the sons and the Omani drummers played and sang .
19 He never had anything to do with me until I graduated from college nearly two years back now .
20 I walked from Mill to get that job .
21 Next day I walked from house to house again , looking in vain for work .
22 Sometimes they were so drunk they fell asleep where they were and lay without pillows or covers until I returned from work , and then I would rage at them in Arabic , telling them that thanks to them my room was no better than the Italian 's pigsty at home ; we used to spit on the ground whenever we went near it , children and grownups alike , shouting exclamations of disgust , even though all we could see of it was the outer fence .
23 One afternoon in 1978 , I returned from Tyre after spending 12 hours in the city under Israeli shellfire .
24 The following Sunday , when I returned from safari , there was Vitalis sitting under a tree with his little group .
25 A story which I heard from Dad about his days at Charlton-All-Saints brought a chuckle from him as he told it but , at the time , the occasion must have been almost tragic .
26 Well , I , I heard from Inspector yesterday .
27 I worked from home and took Elliot with me to see clients .
28 ‘ It would probably be best if I started from square one , ’ the contact opened the proceedings by saying .
29 This time , instead of trying to make and sell another company 's robot , I started from scratch .
30 All you young people as you pass by Pray on my grave now cast an eye Beware of false lovers and their friends I died from poison you may depend . ’
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