Example sentences of "i [vb past] well [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll say what I damned well please , Caroline thought .
2 ‘ I 'll say whatever I damned well please ! ’
3 Oh I 'd better just er .
4 I 'd better away and check Lucky Lady . ’
5 I played better today than yesterday which was a struggle .
6 ‘ Not if I hid well enough . ’
7 In our family my cousins and I knew well beforehand because there were always slightly older sisters and cousins who told us …
8 I knew well enough what the trouble was .
9 ‘ I asked her , politely , what it was to do with her though , of course , I knew well enough . ’
10 I strode well away from the Land Rover but there were cockle shells everywhere and a few needle whelks , like minute unicorns ' horns less than half an inch long .
11 And I thought well well
12 I thought well jolly good idea that .
13 Well , well no , no because it was then about , that 's what I 'm is , then four o'clock you see , so I mean I knew I would n't make it anyway that 's why I thought I 'd better ring cos the job that we finished was half past three so I thought well even if I come home I shall be late even if I do n't get changed and washed or anything .
14 cos time was going on and I thought well just watch that , I knew you wanted it taped and I thought time were going on
15 erm and I think maybe that you , you jumped in should n't have done that er because obviously M Martin got quite defensive at that point you know because you were only going there to do this financial planning service and er selling them anything , you were just offering this financial planning service and then you jumped in with these , when I come back with my recommendations erm tt I also thought that erm you know it was a little bit dodgy actually to say you , well you know erm tt we have found that our records are incorrect and I thought well then that maybe and erm you went ve you went very o when you were talking about the dependants erm you , you you did n't seem to get into er erm how many children have you got and is there any other dependants , it , you , it seemed to take you a long time to actually get there .
16 the swing and I 've bought them a couple of wooden puzzles where you pick the bits up so , I thought well then I 'll call it a day there , and that 'll be that
17 Was it Monday , no it was yesterday , I was in the loo and I could hear this paper being ripped and I thought oh they 've got one of my club catalogues , I did n't think any more of it and then I could hear Joseph going weee , I thought what the devil 's he got , so went out , Joseph has got the flying circus bus that was meant for Charlotte and him and , Brenda and Charlotte was sharing the , the , garage thing that I 've brought so I thought well now it 's out , well they 're not going to keep all that till I said to him whatever is Father Christmas going to say , I said he 's supposed to be taking these away to bring I said er , what 's Father Christmas gon na say ? , no Ben forget , so I thought while they 're out I could see Joseph 's playing a lot , way with this bus thing , he was having a whale of a time , he thought that was great , so I said to Charlotte I said do you like that bus ?
18 and I thought well now she looks familiar as well , I still have n't twigged that its the same Meg Ryan riding her bike and then Meg Ryan comes up
19 She said I 've paid that , that 's not a hassle or , anyway she 's paid it , she 's said that 's not a hassle , but er , I thought well maybe I some money , I do n't know , what do you normally pay on these things , twenty five , twenty six ?
20 And the trail went dead for about another fortnight , I did n't hear any more so , I thought Well maybe it is n't you see , maybe it is n't this chap 's furniture after all .
21 So I thought well perhaps I could make a basket then .
22 I did n't know what she had planned for me but I understood well enough her meaning .
23 And then er I suppose the interest Well I did well there two year really .
24 No , she 's said , she , she ai n't got the courage to ask her for more money , so I said well just give it a few more weeks and then Anne and Brian 's turn up , if it do n't get any better then , I 'm afraid you got Anne and Brian 's .
25 I said well just tr I said you know it 's a couple of nights out and that .
26 The first time we had a break together , Dinda said let's go out , I said well somewhere fairly close where we can take little Rocket
27 So I said well please make sure you 're in before you 're to go up on the bus .
28 I said well exactly I said .
29 I said well apparently yes .
30 but he sort of pooh-poohed it and sort of said well you know , we 're getting a bit to old for all this modern sophistication of computers and so on , well I said well quite frankly I am not totally in agreement with you , because as you probably know Clyde was looking into a program which will could alleviate a lot
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