Example sentences of "i [pers pn] think the " in BNC.

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1 Right you have to come I think the basis of this evening was to get people to come along and put there points of view and to say what 's happening and what is n't happening and I think we can take that take that away and considerate it yes I mean I I think the board or the management committee will be happy to meet with people to discuss the use of the theatre er what it 's used for what might what the unhappiness is if there is unhappiness and the positive and the positive as well as the negative points yes .
2 I I think the best thing to do with the flutes is to put them along with the first
3 Well I I think the period that embraced my school days , you see I did n't leave till nineteen nineteen and th that meant there 'd been four years of war at school and the last year well , it ended in er nineteen eighteen , the war did , so only the last year , but it was full of patriotism and all the old scholars that had er served or suffered or been killed , their names were up .
4 And I I think the illustration about Baptism , had n't really struck me before tonight .
5 Well I I think the number the population will decrease obviously .
6 But I I think the things is is n't it , to a certain extent with the I I P it 's formalizing it ?
7 I I think the aspiration has obviously got to be that the E C can grow .
8 But I I think the diagnosis is asthma or what ever t whatever 's triggered it off .
9 Well I mean I I think the grafts that they 've done , the major grafts anyway , are finished and er they seemed to have taken really well , so I mean it 's just a matter of time , really , for them to settle .
10 Erm no I I honestly do n't think that er that the the problem is as big as as big as you you say it is and I I think the the structures are there to deal with that and if if people had you know if people used them then they would they would work and they from time to time that they are used and you know it it is not impossible to get rid of rid of a teacher in in the way you are suggesting .
11 I I think the calls
12 I I think the C P R E's general comments and and you 'll see from our our evidence that we we 've deliberately not entered into the the the debate that you you 've heard to date this morning .
13 The may maybe I just comment on that that last that last point , which as I understand it it the the justification for a new settlement is brought about solely by increasing the requirement for Greater York to twelve thousand seven hundred , going through those figures there seems to me , for instance , for both Ryedale and Selby to be more provision than could be met in a single settlement , I I think the the figures put forward by Barton Willmore are more than can be met in existing allocations and a single new settlement of a reasonable size .
14 So I I think the new settlement remains justified even with the significantly lower figure for Greater York .
15 I I I I think the amendment will be slope opposite to the er , to the recommendations , I do n't think it requires an amendment .
16 I certainly I I think the percentages there are er er are accurate er taken from the the diagrams , but I would n't accept the er the follow on , the conclusions which are are drawn in that paragraph , clearly .
17 I I I I think the erm situation that Miss Whittaker describes is the situation that we have today .
18 In , with regard to the change of wording , erm I think that would probably add to the policy rather than detract from it and I I think the conclusion I would come to is that the criteria are independent they 're not and or or .
19 I I think the the the point I would I wish to make is that in whilst er its multi role capability would have enabled it to replace a number of roles and possibly a number of er aircraft and er as Mr Evans said earlier , that 's still being looked at .
20 And I I think the the ongoing concern then is we seem to have got on an even keel with apprentices .
21 Erm , if members do n't like the word consumer then I think they would have to use public , er it does cover , I I think the title County Public Protection Officer would er , er satisfy Mr and I do n't think it would upset the Chief Fire Officer .
22 I I think the back beam 'll be alright .
23 Erm I I think the only time that people might have slept in here is if you had a visitor who had a lot of servants and there was simply nowhere else to put them .
24 I I I think the grumble came
25 I I think the thing is if , if you 'd 've demonstrated that or , or got to the stage of saying well alright , you know , if you 're retiring tomorrow how much money do you need to , to live on
26 Erm I I think the only person missing i is Idris , so I do n't
27 They are and I I think the whole trouble with Jenny was that not having , I mean , I was alright as a sort of mum subject I was n't the same as a bona fide mum that could be called upon in all weathers , at all times , to do everything
28 I I think the prices are bloody good !
29 Could I , what , what is not , touched on in the notes , but is , I I think the other side of the coin is that , if justice means treating people fairly , this is on the basis of treating the accused fairly .
30 I thinking about it over erm er coffee sir , I I I think the answer is an adder erm because its smaller than an elephant , it 's indigenous to the United Kingdom , it blends into the landscape , but if you ignore it it could be just as injurious to your health .
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