Example sentences of "i [adv] take the " in BNC.

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1 To yank me clear takes the sudden , strong spine
2 I even tried laying trails of cheese that led to my feet , which she scoffed up , but she did n't trust me enough to take the cheese from my hand .
3 For what it 's worth , I merely took the opportunity to discuss a radio-related matter with him when we happened to meet because I 've kept missing him at work these last couple of days .
4 I better take the tab out the video otherwise he 'll erase it !
5 I entirely take the Minister 's point .
6 I only took the term up because it was general conversation in the police force .
7 I only took the King ! ’
8 If I only took the big parts and none of this TV crap I 'd just go away to film , and then when I was around I 'd really be around .
9 I just took the others back , ’ he said .
10 I just took the place on , soul , oh , about two weeks ago .
11 ‘ They were n't stopping , so I just took the mood down and told them I never knew any of them back in the days of groups like Dynamic 3 .
12 I 've been left out of previous games , so I just took the disappointment with me .
13 I just took the horse and cart myself .
14 I just took the lift straight down to reception and went home . ’
15 ‘ Oh , I just took the day off .
16 and erm whatever you may need a stock and that and put sliced potatoes in it and some carrots and then on the top I 've put sliced potatoes and left them on top of the casserole , well later on when I came home I just took the lid off and stuck in the top of the oven instead
17 doing their own I just take the letters I 've already written to other people change one sentence and change the er name on
18 Cos I just take the cod liver oil ones .
19 If I just take the serviettes I could ask her if they were obtainable .
20 Can I just take the panel back through the er l back to basics on this matter in terms of the Greater in terms of Greater York and the the areas searched , firstly I think the first point of fact , there 's no part of that sector as far as I 'm aware that 's subject to any landscape designations either national or local .
21 Can I just take the numbers off those forms ?
22 It was I just took the last one on Saturday , and I then threw the
23 ‘ I wanted to get shadow to convey the haunting feeling of the place but despite getting there at 4.30am each morning and waiting all day for the sun to cast the right sort of light , I finally took the picture in moonlight three days later . ’
24 ‘ I wanted to get shadow to convey the haunting feeling of the place but despite getting there at 4.30am each morning and waiting all day for the sun to cast the right sort of light , I finally took the picture in moonlight three days later . ’
25 At first I was washing up and making the tea , then I progressed to collecting requests before I finally took the plunge and started doing my own programme .
26 I am not sure if I ever took the idea of America very seriously .
27 I always took the view that the programme was infinitely more important than any one person taking part in it .
28 I always took the point about the children in the hall did n't they ?
29 I always take the time to meditate between my squishball practice and the tanning parlour . ’
30 The shepherd says , " I always take the best milk I possess , and I bring it as an offering to God . "
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