Example sentences of "it is [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The guy who runs it is named Lloyd , Sam tells the rest of the office , and there 's a sign outside advertising Royal Crown Cola and another sign that says CHAIN SAWS SHARPENED .
2 It is urging police authorities to instruct their chief constables not to use or stockpile plastic bullets-solid PVC cylinders 10 cm , long , 38 mm in diameter and weighing 135 grams .
3 Gossip that Next Computer Inc might abandon its hardware business to focus on its NextStep object-oriented operating environment UX No 419 ) has proved all too valid and last week the company confirmed that it is to abandon manufacture of its workstations .
4 It can pretend it is using colour film from 50 to 400 ASA , which will keep most happy snappers occupied , but does n't really lend itself to low-light photography or sports .
5 When a leader in the Independent accuses Freddie Mercury of being a bad example because of homosexual acts committed in strictly guarded privacy before he realised he was at risk , it is using science as a screen for unexamined prejudice .
6 Some observers have attributed the Soviet Union 's apparent willingness to carry a high trade deficit with almost all of its trading partners in Latin America to the fact that it is using trade primarily as a political instrument in order to increase its influence within the region .
7 If , for example , a firm with its headquarters in London is running manufacturing plants in the UK , Third World countries and elsewhere , if it is using parts and even designs originating abroad , if its shares are owned by people and institutions of all nationalities and are bought and sold on the New York Stock Exchange as much as in London , why should its output and its profits be counted as part of the United Kingdom economy ?
8 BRITISH RAIL wants such high-fliers for its new breed of Euro-train guard it is using psychologists to decide suitable candidates .
9 And , as I hope to demonstrate from time to time in later chapters , it is as legitimate to utilize Lévi-Straussian notions where these seem appropriate and fruitful as it is to derive inspiration from Freud — without necessarily being a dogmatic , doctrinaire Freudian .
10 It is nicknamed Southyork because of it 's resemblance to R J Ewing 's ranch , Southfork from the soap opera , Dallas !
11 The department says that it is seeking advice from the Committee on safety of Medicines on B17 .
12 How easy it is to allow life to be swallowed up by the daily round and so to miss that pause to reflect and to take one 's bearings .
13 For example , he took comfort from the deflationary economic measures of July 1966 , which he opposed , as it gave him the chance ‘ to reassert collective Cabinet authority because I see how disastrous it is to allow Cabinet government to decline into mere Prime Ministerial government … if I achieved anything it was by asserting the right of Cabinet to take part in the making of economic strategy so that Harold conceded we must be given that right ’ .
14 How easy it is to give children the wrong idea !
15 It is to anticipate eternity , when death will be no more , and when God will wipe away all our tears , allowing us to behold his glory .
16 The company promises to provide its corporate customers with early access to leading-edge technology and says it is solidifying relationships with the kind of partners that can provide extremely high volume manufacturing , capability and full global distribution .
17 One successful way of going about it is to invite parents into school one class at a time to hear of the plans that the school has made .
18 The convention is organized by eminent literary critics and support staff include ‘ interpreters ’ whose job it is to facilitate relations between the characters as well as ensuring the smooth running of the convention generally .
19 Islandia , New York-based Computer Associates International Inc says it is shipping release 2.0 of its CA-Cricket Draw III object-oriented drawing program for producing graphics on Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh ; the thing sells for $250 .
20 Acer America Corp says it is shipping AcerFrame 500 , an entry-level , diskless Intel Corp 80486-based , EISA server for up to 40 users : with 4Mb RAM , eight slots , SCSI II channel and floppy drive , it runs SCO Unix , OS/2 , NetWare , MS-DOS and NT ( when it arrives ) and starts at $2,300 .
21 " The NIF [ the fundamentalist National Islamic Front , officially banned but regarded as strongly influencing the RCC ] meaning of federalism is very clear : it is to promote Arabism and Islam in the south . "
22 And they do not need it spelt out how important it is to promote Orlando 's image as a safe and healthy resort .
23 While FoE is not arguing that children are exposed to radiation levels above legal limits , it is criticizing BNFL for not doing enough to fulfil its legal obligation to reduce the radioactivity of its discharges to the minimum .
24 First , it means that there must be some form of cost/benefit analysis , however distasteful it is to assign money values to life or ill-health .
25 It appears to be easier to categorize users than it is to assign levels to books .
26 There are actually quite a few positive steps forward : for a start , and under intense pressure from environmentalists and scientists , the World Bank has begun to take into account conservation when it is approving projects for funding .
27 It is , it is simulate valve which basically your out in the open and you see somebody firing the regiment , I know its a bit silly but there is no real way , mind you ,
28 It does so directly in connection with the fundamental constitutional requirement that , if it is to retain office , the Executive must retain the confidence of the House .
29 Big small disk drive maker Conner Peripherals Inc , San Jose warns that continued weakness in demand and price declines for its disk drives , and a shortfall in orders from its European distributor will hurt its first quarter results and that the expected lower sales will cause earnings per share to fall below analysts ' expectations : it says it is evaluating restructuring alternatives to reduce costs and that any restructuring action could result in additional charges to the quarter ; chief executive Finis Conner said the disk drive market is affected by price competition and excess capacity in the industry , which has caused customers to defer buys and reduce their lead times .
30 Although ideas may be mooted by paid staff , it is elected bureaux representatives who will vote them in or out ( see Chapter 1 ) .
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