Example sentences of "it and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fox answered it and signalled through the glass partition .
2 A bumble bee flew frantically up the motorway with his back legs crossed , stopping briefly at each motorway service area as he passed it and muttering to himself :
3 If you stare at a Rottweiler it thinks you are challenging it and goes for you immediately , knocking you down and tearing your throat out .
4 All cetaceans draw in fresh air through this nasal orifice down into their lungs , releasing it and drawing in a fresh supply whenever they return to the surface .
5 If , on the other hand , he was not genuine in writing the letters and had connived or conduced to the fraudulent behaviour of the son , or was even aware of it and consented to it , then he would not under any logical analysis have written the letters in these terms .
6 But instead of trying to adapt to the British way of life he rebelled against it and reverted to his African heritage .
7 She did as instructed but left the cup of soup out and as she glanced round she saw a hand grab it and disappear into the dark .
8 The Swiss pair sped down over the Third Ice Field , zoomed out from the sheer rockface beneath it and landed with a crunch on the Second Ice Field ; then , as limbs were torn from their bodies , they launched again off the cliff , landed on the First Ice Field , and again careened down the slope and zoomed out and down .
9 Echoing Kant , he insisted that any properly objective enquiry could not impose on its material methods worked out in advance or in relation to some other topic ; only within the context of encounter with and experience of the object itself could it discover how to speak of it and enquire into it .
10 But there were those who said that Douglas had known of it and connived at it .
11 Leave the haggling over the price to your agent and take his advice on the final choice of buyer , who should be well advanced in his own sale ; but do not be in any hurry to settle the matter without at least sleeping on it and allowing for second thoughts all round .
12 Watch the win … enjoy it and listen to words of wisdom from Gloucester coach keith richardson
13 ‘ Now I sing it and listen to the words again and appreciate more than ever what I was feeling at the time , ’ he told friends .
14 You know , you can put tapes in it and listen to music and
15 She squeezed round it and called to him , but there was no answer , and she frowned a little , as she stood looking round her .
16 When the bus got caught in traffic they dashed off it and ran through a nearby Russell and Bromley shoe store .
17 The house owner found it and ran with it to the boat . ’
18 They were apprehensive about opening it and sent for the Bomb Squad .
19 Think about it and try in a different way another time .
20 Ministers were not responsible to it and continued to be appointed and dismissed by the Tsar .
21 A stream meandered past it and cascaded into the depths of the forested cliffside .
22 People do n't have to agree with what she believes , but if you do n't like it , just ignore it and stick to your own views .
23 If they ca n't be resolved then agree on the amount of the problem involved , isolate it and ask for the payment of any uncontested balance .
24 Mm you 've got to keep on top of it and keep with it .
25 Erm more calls than we could cope with in the end for and er see what happens to it and keep in touch write to your councillors and let them know what you think or write to me and I 'll pass the letters on .
26 It 's getting them to push it and keep in keep in line .
27 It 's got instant character , whereas a new guitar has n't had the years of beating on it and fiddling with to give it the character .
28 Arthur left Fred to it and lay on his back in his own bedroom , reading a book about ballistics .
29 lay on and twist it and lay on you know .
30 Now , shall we forget about it and concentrate on enjoying the Park while we are still allowed in it ? ’
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