Example sentences of "it can still be " in BNC.

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1 It can still be said , he suggests , ‘ that there are some things capable of being known , though they are still not ones that can be known with an Aristotelian knowledge , but only experientially , or according to appearances ’ .
2 With 15 to 20 per cent of tin or more , the alloy becomes brittle and almost unworkable , although it can still be cast to shape , and as more tin is added it becomes whiter in colour .
3 In ways such as this one has to be careful in using coin evidence , but , allowing for these and similar qualifications , it can still be extremely useful .
4 So strong is the activity in these discharges that it can still be measured in the sea right down the western coast of Britain , northwards round the top of Scotland , and even as far away as Scandinavia .
5 It can still be seen , looking innocent enough , though rather spoilt by a barbed-wire fence only inches away .
6 The emphasis is on beef but its milk yield remains adequate and it can still be considered a dual-purpose type .
7 However , it can still be clearly seen that this solution is a generalization of the Khan-Penrose solution in which the approaching impulsive waves have different polarization .
8 The Norman church was much larger than its present day form , having a north transept of which the arches leading to it can still be seen .
9 Butyl has a substantially longer life expectancy than pvc — it 's used in the construction of reservoirs — but it can still be damaged by piercing .
10 Despite breakneck advances in information technology , it can still be quite a fight to get hold of the precise data you need , when you need it .
11 They have every right to be different — it 's very presumptuous of us to invent personalities for them simply because we 've seen them act on a cinema screen , but it can still be a shock when they 're not as you 'd hoped .
12 It can still be cherished if less often adulated .
13 Now it can still be objected that this is also true of adults and that I have still , therefore , failed to distinguish them from children .
14 This aircraft does have the advantage of a bench seat in the back which is removable , so it can still be used as a four-seater if you watch the weight and balance .
15 However , as is indicated elsewhere in this chapter and in Chapter 6 , it can still be argued that private ownership of the means of production is the basis of economic power and wealth , and that the labour market is still the prime determinant of wage levels .
16 However , the definitions of ’ payment ’ , ’ debt ’ and ’ loan ’ all contain the word ’ money ’ , so it can still be reached if the search goes far enough .
17 Indeed it can still be found in our own time , in some individual cases but also in new forms of patronage .
18 Regardless of what the manufacturers of integrated software may tell us it can still be a time consuming process to off-load the document from the wordprocessor and pull in the data base and its files to look up a simple telephone number .
19 Although heavy with its medieval resonances , it can still be encountered , especially — and perhaps surprisingly — in American books on higher education .
20 In the summer , even when the sun is shining , it can still be cold , whether from the weather or the ghosts of the dead .
21 It can still be pretty hazardous , though not quite so bloody . ’
22 Fifthly , even if there are undisputed economies of scale so that there is a net increase in surplus , it can still be argued that there is a social opportunity loss .
23 It was published in eighty six eighty seven , although it 's no longer available in shops , it can still be obtained through the library service if you care to request it , which I have .
24 And rose water , and rose was used a lot in cooking er , until , until quite recently , and it can still be .
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