Example sentences of "it would [be] the " in BNC.

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1 I feel sort of fixed that it would be the best thing … you know it would . ’
2 On the other hand , if they are not enforceable , it would be the banks , with whom the transactions were arranged , that would lose out as they had taken out further deals to offset their exposure .
3 He said it would be the first of a series of ventures which Gooding was discussing with Japanese companies , aimed at bringing research and technology to Britain rather than just final assembly of goods .
4 If the Californian clubs progress it would be the first World Series — which starts on 14 October — between the two cities facing each other across San Francisco Bay .
5 It would be the first major peacekeeping force deployed in the Western Hemisphere .
6 probably it would be the efficiency with which my artists ' careers are dealt with , and my brain .
7 It was a wonderful show , ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ , but it was n't practical for a tour so we all thought that if we got the Broadway experts to put it together , it would be the best thing possible — but it was n't .
8 Presumably it would be the Yard who investigated this one , rather than the regional crime squad .
9 It would be the final revenge of Lambeth — where John Major was once a councillor , as was Mr Livingstone .
10 He had not realized that it would be the sort of modern play where people strip off and simulate the beginnings of a sexual encounter .
11 ‘ Two years ago if you said you liked Mick Jagger it would be the end of your career , but now it 's suddenly cool to like them , ’ says vocalist Simon .
12 If we had to cite a bad point , it would be the hard-to-reach drain plug on the rear axle housing .
13 The reforms of the late nineteenth century had taken hold , it would be the self-governing professions , an aristocracy of merit , that would take over much of the social responsibilities of the hereditary peerage .
14 Things have now finally reached the point which our Führer at the outbreak of this struggle prophesied to world Jewry in his great speech : ‘ … should Jewry once more succeed in again plunging the nations into a new world war , it would be the end of that race , and not ours . ’
15 And they won a big prize — nowadays it would be the price of a family car .
16 If I could take up my pen again and find some hard , satisfying work it would be the better for me . ’
17 She would do it at night when it would be the easiest thing in the world .
18 In two days ' time ( 7th May ) , it would be the forty-fifth anniversary of the final German surrender in the Second World War though the cease-fire was not to take effect until midnight on 8th May .
19 Indeed , if Portsmouth and Sunderland were to defy the odds and emerge victorious from today 's matches against Liverpool and Norwich , it would be the first time in the 120-year history of the tournament that two teams from the Second Division contested the final .
20 Mr Jobson said that if any supporters would have a say in his future , it would be the club 's shareholders .
21 ‘ If the Christian Democrats suffer a dramatic collapse , it would be the beginning of the end for him as chancellor . ’
22 It would be the cornerstone of the channel . ’
23 It would be the most terrible calamity if he were to be killed not knowing !
24 It would not be the first to do so , though it would be the biggest .
25 Although which river had been kept secret from Trent , he was certain that it would be the north fork of the Belpan where a bend would hide them from the road bridge .
26 We hope to hear favourably and further of the projected enterprise , feeling sure that it would be the means of attracting still more desirable visitors to Henley . ’
27 If this is true then it would be the supreme irony that the CIA were being fed with their own information .
28 My Heart bleeds to see the Concern he is in ; and it would be the utmost Satisfaction to me , if I could hope any thing of mine could contribute to his comfortable Subsistence in his old Age : I therefore beg of you to take the Key of my Buroe ; and if any thing is to be made of my poor Papers , that you will , for my sake , endeavour to promote a Subscription for his Benefit , which you so kindly have propos 'd for mine
29 ‘ I carry no religion , ’ he told her , ‘ but if I did it would be the ancient Jewish religion of my ancestors ’ .
30 If the Radnor Walk horror becomes public it would be the greatest scandal in the history of the Service .
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