Example sentences of "it had [vb pp] over " in BNC.

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1 It was here that the Caroline reformers achieved nothing because the crown could not recapture the powers it had made over to local municipal oligarchs .
2 Er if it had gone over would have thrown the whole lot out of er out of gear .
3 Mr Glennie , who designed the trimaran , said it had turned over about 700 nautical miles east of the International Date Line during a gale .
4 There had been a thunderstorm the night before but it had swept over and the lake was calm .
5 His last interview with a solicitor had been conducted in a language barely recognizable as English and it had taken over three hours and a reference to the Chief Constable to elicit the fact that the deceased had made a previous will in which the respective positions of his wife and his mistress had been exactly reversed .
6 When Stop Hinkley Expansion members had conducted a test run in 1957 to see just how quickly every house within the Hinkley Point evacuation zone could be visited ( as part of a campaign for sirens to be installed ) it had taken over two hours .
7 The third practice had overspent because it had taken over a smaller practice after the preparatory work on budget setting had been completed , and it had not been able to make an accurate estimate of prescribing costs for the 1300 patients involved .
8 Jan. 27 USC broadcasts statement on Radio Mogadishu announcing that it had taken over the government .
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