Example sentences of "i [verb] you every " in BNC.

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1 I want you every moment of the day and night and every time I try to fold up a map .
2 I want you every minute of every day that I 'm here with you . ’
3 Yeah well I did n't wan na have to sit here waiting for you , cos I know you every time you say oh so and so
4 May I wish you every success and satisfaction in your prescribing .
5 May I wish you every success in your new job .
6 ‘ I just want to make clear that I pay you every correctitude for what you were involved in there . ’
7 For goodness sake Thame United , please send me a fixture list , I ask you every week , there 's a chap on the phone — oh yes Mr Inotta , we 'll send you one , thank you for the excellent coverage , Fox F M sport is quite superb , but nothing .
8 I must stop now , because it 's nearly teatime , but I 'll write again very soon , and please write to me , because I miss you every minute .
9 The reply , from Stamfordham , said that the letter had been forwarded to the Sovereign , ‘ but added on his own account ‘ I wish you every success in your efforts . '
10 ‘ Elizabeth , I wish you every happiness that my uncle here can bring you .
11 In any event I wish you every success and happiness in your chosen course and your future career .
12 I wish you every happiness in your new homeland , Alexai Ybreska , ’ he murmured , with genuine warmth .
13 Well , I wish you every success !
14 And I wish you every success in your project too .
15 However , I wish you every success in continuing to establish CCW 's reputation in Wales and the wider world .
16 I am glad we have that partnership with all of you here and it is on that note , on behalf of the government , that I wish you every possible success as you embark upon your seventy fifth year .
17 ‘ After I left here I missed you every day , every hour , every second , ’ Sarella told him passionately , ‘ I dared not hope for anything — it was as if you were lost forever . ’
18 Do n't forget I see you every day !
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