Example sentences of "i [verb] [pron] way " in BNC.

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1 I waited in the kitchen until it was light enough outside for me to find my way through the deep snow back to Thrushcross Grange .
2 I chested my way through and stood panting and blinking in a glass-walled theatre of spacious light , the air so dustless and oceanic that it showed you only the dirt in your human eyes .
3 I made my way up to the lobby with those final two words of hers ringing around inside my head , and all sorts of other doctor phrases started to enter my mind — people calling me Doctor Streeter , popular songs with the word doctor in them — and then all of a sudden I started to cry .
4 I made my way down into the tube station and on towards the Circle Line .
5 Anyway , at shortly before five I made my way to the forecourt of the RA .
6 I made my way home each night with at least some notion of hope and plans for a new assault on Wilde .
7 Later , I made my way into the farmyard and joined a group having something to eat .
8 My tiredness had now almost disappeared as I made my way along the drive of Brigade H.Q and out into the village .
9 Placing the bagpipes in my rucksack I made my way back across the green to the orchard , expecting a summons at any moment to appear before Shimi Lovat .
10 I made my way back up the orchard .
11 I made my way back to the orchard at Brigade H.Q , the time about 12.30 a.m .
12 As Taff reported to Brigade H.Q I made my way into the orchard , made a mug of tea , had something to eat , got into my trench and immediately fell asleep .
13 At about 7.30 p.m. , after two and a half hours ' sleep curled up on the floor of the trench , I made my way out of the orchard and on to the road .
14 I made my way through the orchard and into a slit trench .
15 I made my way through the trees to the farmyard , four Commandos were stacking ammunition against the farmhouse wall .
16 As I made my way back to my slit trench I wondered what would be my role now that Lovat had gone ?
17 After breakfasting with the mortar team I made my way over to Brigade H.Q As I passed along the wall of the orchard I suddenly thought about the Frenchman and his family who lived in the cottage on the other side of the wall .
18 As I made my way back along the road I noticed that the ditches on both sides of the road contained dead British and German soldiers .
19 ‘ Just enjoying the taste of the rum , Corporal , ’ I replied , getting to my feet and swilling out the mess-tins and empty mug as I made my way through the drizzle to my now very muddy slit trench .
20 As I made my way through the trees in the direction of the village and Brigade H.Q there were several loud explosions a short distance away to my right , followed by a loud burst of automatic fire .
21 I felt a strange sensation in my stomach as I made my way down the sloping gangway and on to the tarmac , If I had felt like this on the morning of the 6th June , Lord Lovat would probably been going ashore without his bagpipe music .
22 It looked a reasonable enough distance , so I made my way towards it .
23 I made my way through all the guard checkpoints and got to the Hotel Intourist in the middle of town at about 11 o'clock when David and Geoffrey were just siting down to lunch .
24 Dana went on with his friend to see her off at Le Havre , while I made my way to London , where I was joined by Dana a few days later .
25 I felt proud and grown-up as I made my way down the road , concentrating my mind for what might be required of me .
26 ‘ Do n't forget we 've got to see Cyril Gibbs at the council offices this afternoon , ’ he called out as I made my way back towards Grindlewood .
27 The evening sky was darkening as I made my way up to Claro .
28 Ignoring them , I made my way to the Norman castle .
29 It was suppertime , so I made my way to the Roscommon chip shop .
30 I made my way to an hotel lounge in the Diamond , where I sat and read a leaflet I had picked up in the church .
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