Example sentences of "i [verb] [adj] very " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There was a great team spirit right through the party , and I made some very lasting friendships .
2 Probably more than design ( verb ; lowercase " d " ) in the sense that we understand at the moment ; paradoxically , not only does design become the only possible means of saving the human species ( and I mean this very seriously ; I can think of no other approach which could enable us to transcend the dichotomies — between reason and emotion , technique and meaning , power of technical systems against impotence of ethical systems , and so on — built into our dominant culture ) but it " finds itself " at just this moment ; at this point the contradictions that run through present forms of design practice , contradictions which we can now read as the " distortions " of the holistic and embracing matrix of design , cease to exist .
3 I only wish and I mean this very sincerely I only wish we could spend as much time and as often as is spent discussing fox hunting on the county 's homeless , on abused children , on the handicapped , on the increasing crime and on unemployment and I only wish that the media and the public and even members of this council would take as much notice of that as they do about this debate on fox hunting .
4 Yeah I mean some very nice girls do n't take that wrong I mean , they n they do n't hit you on the head and start fighting every time you talk to them .
5 It 's a very nice road , I mean some very nice houses .
6 At school I met another very fine person .
7 So I met three very special ladies that day , and talked to a number of other nice people .
8 I met some very interesting people , including Fred Trueman .
9 I got some very new insights , in fact I 'm going to look up to see whether Bloom 's reflections on the eunuchs in the erm church were written in the same colour as some passages in Molly Bloom 's soliloquy .
10 During my first attack I experienced some very inaccurate return fire which ceased just before I broke away .
11 Ok , Time found hidden in a hard day , dry earth becomes a dance floor , audience of three fowl , the fourth along with a reaper turns it back , wooden shoes meant for mud , rug on dancing feet Erm the next one is the still life on , on with three puppies , while I was looking at Gaugin 's work I could n't help but notice he 's constantly struck by the fact that he use set of three symbols through out his work it seems , and very , very often three caricatures erm or lines of three or three objects and I found this very interesting , more point of view that something that I , I wanted to incorporate in my own work , but I wanted to find a line or a phrase to use in the same way , erm , all of my work starts as one or a series of visual images and , and I then turn them into characters , repeating a word or repeating a line would be a way of erm emphasising characterise erm and the puppies that are in this painting erm , they delighted my children so much , I do n't know if any of you know , do you know the painting of the three puppies
12 So desperate were we for hard news on our fellow hostages , and indeed for ourselves , that Brian and I found this very trying .
13 I remember a very difficult erm problem I had when I erm was ordering some goods from a mail order firm and I kept on getting letters back after replies to mine , from the computer , and these letters were totally unconnected with my letter and I found this very very frustrating .
14 I 've never ever I say this very proudly , been in debt and as long as I 've earned enough money to live , I 've never bothered to put any on one side strict , you know , strictly speaking and I 've been happy to er live and er that 's how I 've lived me life .
15 I welcome that very much .
16 When the mail eventually did arrive , I received this very strange Christmas card which said , ‘ This year we will marry ’ .
17 Introductions effected by Denholm , Talbot said : ‘ I appreciate this very much , Professor .
18 Valda having provided the introduction , I was of course quite delighted to try and help you with names and contacts the other day on the telephone , and note that you will supply me with a strictly personal and confidential copy at the conclusion of your endeavours and I appreciate this VERY much !
19 tell him I appreciate this very much will you ?
20 I read this very interesting article on corruption in government .
21 I enjoy this very much .
22 I consider that very anti-social !
23 I enjoyed that very much that last one .
24 I know that very well . ’
25 Erm you can fiddle the books , I know that very well .
26 She 's not frightened of me at all and I like that very much .
27 I like that very much .
28 I like that very much !
29 ‘ Usually , I do n't trust anyone else with my hair — but I like this very much . ’
30 I like this very much as an easy summer skirt — three pieces knitted right across your machine , hooked back on to fewer stitches for a small yoke to avoid bulk at the waist — equally becoming to the very slender or larger lady .
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