Example sentences of "it seem at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed at first that Hepworth , too , might make a telling contribution when he began with three maidens , in the course of which he comprehensively bowled Pearson .
2 But when Felicity arrived , three days later , it seemed at first glance as if she had lost every atom of her old charm .
3 It seemed at first sight to be a chaos of struggling men and horses , a wild mêlée ; but soon it became apparent to the newcomers that it was in fact more like a whirlpool of activity , with the ambushed English , above whom the royal standard wavered uncertainly , in the centre , whilst their more numerous attackers circled round them , smiting and thrusting but apparently making only moderate impact .
4 It seemed at first glance that Louise was wearing a turban ; she had saved her day 's ration of flour and had made a poultice of it for a boil which had erupted on her temple ; her other boils seemed to be growing slightly better .
5 ‘ In 1986 , when the International Whaling Commission banned all commercial whaling worldwide , it seemed at long last the whales were saved .
6 I always knew it probably could n't last because nothing goes on forever , but in that time , I had a great time in New York , and it seemed at one point that everyone was there when David was doing the week at the Universal Amphitheatre .
7 One is to telephone , or write to her beforehand , saying that things have been so hectic at your end recently that it seemed at one point that you might have to postpone your visit for a week or two , but that you are so keen to see her that you are absolutely determined to ‘ make it ’ somehow , even if it has to be just a ‘ flying visit ’ .
8 It seemed at one stage that the dealer was dead — even some of the larger , more old-fashioned companies announced plans to introduce a direct sales scheme at the start of 1993 , although this has yet to happen .
9 It was circling slowly and very low down , almost touching , it seemed at one point , the summit of Big Allen .
10 So nearly , it seemed at one point .
11 In any case it seemed at this point that the war might be lost , and only a month after finishing the poem he was expressing to Martin Browne grave misgivings about the worth and value of his poetic activities , which often appeared to be futile .
12 The conclusion we are entitled to draw from these findings is that , in general , female usage tends towards the more ‘ careful ’ end of the stylistic continuum and male usage towards the more ‘ casual ’ , and it seemed at this stage of our research that we had some justification for the claim that in linguistic variation , sex-differentiation is prior to class differentiation and need not be interpreted as subsidiary to class ( as it normally has been ) .
13 it seems at all the prayers
14 Copiously furnished with crammed bookcases , shelves stacked with cassettes and 19th century lithographs tastefully dispersed across the walls , it seems at first glance to be a richly cultured environment .
15 Neither judgment is quite the epitaph it seems at first sight .
16 This is a more generous protest even than it seems at first sight , for Jacob 's possessions include Esau 's birthright , and Isaac 's blessing that had been meant for him .
17 It seems at first sight strange that in a disposition essentially formless so much time should be spent by the jurists on questions of wording .
18 The text needs to be watched closely for all may not be as it seems at first .
19 The interpretation of this measure of consistency is not as straightforward as it seems at first sight .
20 The debate about using readmission to measure quality of care is obviously much more complex than it seems at first sight .
21 Mr Lingham 's grandfather came to Hailing from Luddesdowne as tenant to Court Farm in the 1860's , it seems at first it was run jointly with a Mr Davis , but in October 1895 the farming stock of Court Farm was auctioned off , the property of Messrs Lingham & Davis .
22 It seems at first difficult to proceed with this debate .
23 However , although it seems at first sight that prospects for prevention associated with life events are bleak , there are nevertheless a number of realistic possibilities , and it is important to go through these .
24 It seems at first quite astonishing to learn that neither the inventory in Jacques 's marriage contract nor that made after death provides any evidence that he was a flute-player or maker ; they seem to contradict the generally held view that he was a maker - a view which is supported by an entry in von Uffenbach 's diary which records a visit he paid Jacques in 1715 : ‘ He [ Jacques ] led me into a tidy room and showed me there many beautiful transverse flutes that he himself makes and from which he wishes to gain special profit . ’
25 For example , as we noted , the definition of pragmatics as concerned with encoded aspects of context may be less restrictive than it seems at first sight ; for if in general ( a ) principles of language usage have as corollaries principles of interpretation , and ( b ) principles of language usage are likely in the long run to impinge on grammar ( and some empirical support can be found for both propositions ) , then theories about pragmatic aspects of meaning will be closely related to theories about the grammaticalization of aspects of context .
26 But while it seems at first quite normal that this should happen at an inquest involving the opera 's central character one soon notices that the process is in fact highly artificial , like the narrations which open several of Britten 's later operas , designed in this instance to have the dramatis personae stand up and be recognised but in a context which fits the story .
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