Example sentences of "it put [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You mean you ca n't see it to put round the corner here like this ?
2 It is then a relatively simply matter to pretend to put the coin in the right hand but secretly retain it to put in the collar .
3 Now much of the rest of the stone of the building also dates from the medieval period but in fact in the nineteenth century the building er was very popular as a church and the vicar at the time decided that what he needed was more space and so they knocked down virtually the whole building apart from the tower and the east erm erm window and rebuilt it to put in the er gallery at the level that we 're standing here .
4 Mrs Thatcher fought to have it put at the top of the agenda at the EC Summit in June 1989 .
5 It puts over the message succinctly and simply : nuclear power is clean — coal power is dirty .
6 Treating the task as a real one introduces a real language exercise with the focus it puts on the difference between written and spoken language .
7 The Fourth Gospel , for example , does not lie when it puts into the mouth of Christ words , and whole patterns of speech , which we do not find on His lips in the first three gospels .
8 It puts in the forefront of encouraging investment in the developing markets of Central and Eastern Europe .
9 The street price it put on the box is only a ballpark figure ( a 10%-15% differential ) and it will not reveal its dealer discounts .
10 It put off the facing of her ghosts , but it gave her conscience some respite .
11 He will recall that , when British Rail proposed that Waterloo should be the first channel tunnel station , not only did it say that one station was sufficient and that it did not need a second one but , in the case which it put to the House of Lords during the discussions , it said specifically that King 's Cross was not an appropriate location for a second station .
12 China is thus reluctant to see it put in the dock .
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