Example sentences of "it make him [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 1 When did it happen ? 2 What did he actually see ? 3 What did it make him think of ? 4 What made him think like that ?
2 What did it make him feel ?
3 But no stone budged from John 's mad yelling : nor did it make him feel much better .
4 It 's absolutely horrible but Malcolm would insist on taking you there because it made him feel part of some secret society .
5 Just the thought of it made him feel unclean .
6 She was talking to him as if he was grown-up and it made him feel uncomfortable .
7 It made him feel a lot better .
8 It made him feel less vulnerable .
9 It made him feel superior and worldly wise .
10 Nigel assumed she was lying , but it made him feel better .
11 He would have liked her home more , because it made him feel in control .
12 They agreed that the letter about which Clarissa was so upset must be from the War Office , and Peregrine said it made him feel almost cowardly to have survived the German breakthrough , the evacuation of the beaches and now this latest blow on the very day the capitulation of France was announced .
13 It made him feel sick to his soul to watch the naked Irishman snorting with pleasure on his mam 's bed .
14 It made him feel better when he heard Smallfry mention the book , the special album in which they kept all the photographs of him wearing his best clothes and doing nice things .
15 ‘ He liked one dog , ’ said Ludens , ‘ it made him feel relaxed and tender . ’
16 Hearing it made him feel human again .
17 It made him feel he wanted to punish the crowd and fired him to say , ‘ If this is what they think of me and what they think of Jacklin , I 'll make sure he never finishes in front of me again . ’
18 It made him feel afraid but it excited him too .
19 Owen knew his parents had been having aromatherapy massage , so I think it made him feel grown-up and important .
20 It made him feel even worse than before .
21 It made him feel sick and he was grey with misery by the time he walked into the school playground .
22 She had looked just the way the boy did , and Jean-Paul liked it because it made him feel
23 It made him feel powerful , that was it , because he paid , he bought and , even if they hated him , they sold .
24 It made him feel big .
25 It made him feel grown up sitting at the same table as real university students ; engineers and agricultural science students , law or medicine , they had all sat and studied around the Hegarty dining table while young Frank was working for his Intermediate and his Leaving Certificate .
26 It made him feel chilled and sober , as if the love and vodka had never been .
27 As Burton loved to live in opposition — it made him feel most alive and it could be argued that he lived in serious opposition to his own body for long stretches of his life — it is interesting to speculate whether the homosexual network gave yet another spin to his heterosexuality .
28 ‘ Not taking the drugs made him feel powerful ; it made him feel part of a colourful world which was far more exciting that real life , ’ Silcock said .
29 Sometimes this pleased him and sometimes it made him feel frightened , though he could not have said why .
30 Years later he said being called Boy was a disaster because as an old man of fifty it made him feel a fool .
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