Example sentences of "it make [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Would it make sense for city authorities to restrict commuter parking in cities during the day ?
2 Would it make sense for these activities to be provided by the private sector in the same way as haircuts and cars ?
3 The EFA should therefore be a prime target for spending cuts , but at the same time , does n't it make sense for the Government to ‘ bite the bullet ’ on another contentious issue , viz. the future of the Rosyth dockyard ?
4 Absolutely , does it make sense for , for husband and wife over there to wait for the second one to have a heart attack , or the second one to have a cancer before it pays out ,
5 What procedure would it make sense for something like that to go in though ?
6 If he was more successful than me , I could say it made sense for me to give up my career . ’
7 As a major ‘ consumer ’ of overhauled piston engines for its own fleet , it made sense for the Atlantic Group to extend their activities to engine overhaul .
8 For fathers in say , metalworking or joinery , there was no chance at all of their daughters following in their footsteps , but it made sense for them to seize the chance offered by the printing trade .
9 It would have surprised Claudia if Dana did have any money ; she earned a great deal but spent it as fast as she made it , and , while it made sense for Roman to bring her under his wing , Claudia resented it fiercely .
10 Thus , given that there might come a time when forces were available for deployment in the Middle East , it made sense for American diplomats to encourage what friends and allies they could to hold the line in the interval .
11 Under the astute leadership of its general secretary , Bruce Kent , it made room for the various local and single-issue groups that were mushrooming around the country .
12 It makes provision for monetary compensation to be paid to any person to whom an offer should have been made but was not , and who has suffered loss .
13 The only thing that can be said for astrology is that it makes money for those who write and publish horoscopes , despite being wrong on most occasions .
14 Inside the blue and gilt auditorium , the loveliest in the world , western presence was felt only in the shape of a film crew and their bright lights , with the Philips recording team behind the scenes , documenting one of the company 's most remarkable achievements under Gergiev before it makes way for new plans .
15 It makes sense for the United States .
16 It makes sense for this alternative establishment to be pro-European , not only because it is in tune with the music Jacques Delors is making , but because it sees Brussels as a counterpoise to London.This is why it has been pointless to question the sincerity of Kinnock 's conversion to Europe .
17 In terms of selection theory it makes sense for an incoming male to kill the young , for the females then come into oestrus quickly and he can get his genes into the assembly line at the earliest opportunity .
18 In this context , it makes sense for more local businesses to make use of the educational services of the Institute of Exports and indeed those of the other agencies in Northern Ireland who are more than keen to help Northern Ireland industry in export markets .
19 Given the wide choice of contributions plus the superb savings growth potential of SaverPlus 2001 — it makes sense for your partner to apply as well .
20 As their retirement counselling manager explained , Legal and General has over one million people either paying towards or drawing out pensions , so it makes sense for them to offer pre-retirement courses which are paid for either by the individuals themselves or their employers .
21 Until someone can explain why it makes sense for individuals to maintain personal equity portfolios , the odds are that the selling will continue .
22 In the meantime it makes sense for the unit to be stored in a plastic bag but I do look forward to the perfectly waterproof receiver being available in due course .
23 While it may not be suitable for all charities , it makes sense for small charities to go into a common investment fund . ’
24 People are not only responsible for something , they are responsible to God , other individuals , society or themselves , and this latter Kantian notion is derived from the primary social context in which it makes sense for the concept of responsibility to be invoked .
25 ‘ I mean , I 'm not so ideological as Kate , but I just think it makes sense for all sorts of practical reasons .
26 Where the future can not usefully be predicted , it makes sense for policymakers to assume the worse and plan for heavy demands on services by the very old .
27 But the point is that it makes sense for him to reject such a statement as false on a given occasion , only if he is prepared to admit that in different circumstances the same statement could be true .
28 The act affected the working of the political system in a number of significant ways so that it makes sense for us to see the constitution in very different terms from those which focused on the balance between King , Lords and Commons .
29 But it makes sense for society to have a single regulatory body that does the checking and a law whose enforcement entitles individuals to assume that drugs being sold have been checked out as safe .
30 It makes sense for me to know what you have there , I suppose . ’
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