Example sentences of "it can then be " in BNC.

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1 For a powerful kick you have to move your centre of gravity forwards , and this inevitably forces you to drop the spent kicking foot close to the opponent , where it can then be hooked or swept .
2 It can then be set off on new cases .
3 It can then be repeated again and again with guaranteed results every time .
4 It can then be examined and cultured like ordinary urethral samples .
5 After integrating ( 11.21 ) , it can then be shown that another solution is given by ( 12.15 )
6 It can then be seen from ( 11.20 ) that Ε is the associated Ernst function .
7 If the victim is a small fish , paralysis and death are rapid , and it can then be drawn in and eaten .
8 When a telephone is installed , it is possible to have a very long flex put on for very little extra cost , and it can then be carried to any room , but you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of this carefully before coming to a decision to have it done , as it has been known to be the cause of accidents to some old people .
9 It can then be turned back into wind for another attempt .
10 It can then be used in spare moments to provide you with recordings of matching background sound , which can be dubbed in at editing if need be to replace any unsatisfactory sections of the original synchronised sound .
11 It can then be served warm or cold . )
12 Porcelain painting is just one possibility , and if you create a suitable pressed flower design it can then be copied on to a piece of china , which makes a change from using fresh flowers as the reference material .
13 It can then be used with any of the needle-beds and their carriages that complete the system .
14 It can then be used easily without damaging the carpet or other floorcovering .
15 If your nephew signs on the back of the cheque , it can then be paid into a parent 's account .
16 It can then be a useful instead of a ‘ dangerously misleading tool ’ .
17 It can then be seen in Vienna at the Kunsthistorisches Museum from 2 April until 16 May .
18 It can then be located so as to provide convenient armchair control .
19 It can then be stored in a dry environment .
20 If the material is not felt to be long enough it can then be erased .
21 When all the data is entered on to the computer , it can then be sorted in numerous ways which would be too time-consuming using manual methods .
22 Er but in our London office , apparently they do a lot of inheritance tax planning because of the size of estates , and they actually invite the children in , and say to the children look , you know , if erm you die , the estate will be devalued by forty thousand because of tax , er if you want to make provision the , the er the contract is still written on the erm , the erm individuals ' lives , but it can then be erm paid by the children , so your children can then pay the premiums .
23 It can then be shown whether or not fewer people are eligible for representation at some later stage .
24 Using correlation techniques it can then be seen what feature of the sum best predicts response time .
25 It can then be activated through a package by the associated user using option 2.4.0 , Activate DC , as described in the section on LIFESPAN modules .
26 I 'll call for a vote for quite clear I am going to stick to what I 've said that I consider that the amendment has been proposed it can be if it 's to be accepted it can then be accepted by the Committee as a whole
27 It is still more likely than not that all EC countries will have ratified the Maastricht Treaty by the end of 1993 , and it can then be left to one side for a year or so while the easing of German monetary policy and a return to positive European economic growth ease the pains of convergence .
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