Example sentences of "it in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 comments you could consider entering it or part of it in one of the many fiction competitions or submitting it in total to a which takes fiction .
2 However , it should prevent anyone from mismanaging the waste and may include details of the business or process producing it in addition to a description of the physical ( or chemical ) nature .
3 Since citizenship has become a fashionable and acceptable word , it is easy to slip into the habit of using it in preference to ‘ individual rights ’ or ‘ human rights ’ , but it is important to bear in mind the desirability of keeping the private sphere of the life of the individual separate from his role as citizen , an essentially political role and status .
4 This certainly seems to be true if we consider that at the time the activity ( such as using a book ) takes place , the person concerned is certainly doing it in preference to doing anything else .
5 From the producers ' point of view , it is the single most sought after ‘ grape variety ’ in the world , and right from Britain to Chile and New Zealand ( and even India ! ) more and more vineyards are being planted with it in preference to any other .
6 Consequently the women get it in preference to the men , because they take it at lower rates " .
7 However , FreeHand is simpler to use for the amateur or casual artist and this may be all the motivation he or she needs to buy it in preference to Illustrator 88 .
8 Matisse , who was one of the first of the painters of his generation to appreciate the true genius of Cézanne , had been working under his influence since 1899 , the year in which he bought Cézanne 's Trois Baigneuses from Vollard , choosing it in preference to an Arlésienne by Van Gogh , and in the figure pieces that lead up to the Bonheur , the influence of Cézanne is immediately obvious .
9 It has signed a three-book contract and is so bullish that I 've included it in Ones to Watch even though I have not even had one chapter .
10 Another technique involves placing an elastic band on your wrist and gently twanging it in response to worrying irrational thoughts .
11 Thus hearing a word , or producing it in response to an incomplete definition , will not prime visual word recognition .
12 He has taken it in response to the pressure and fight put up by the ‘ homelands Chief Ministers ’ — Buthelezi and Co .
13 When I look at a natural object for a long time , like looking into the burning embers and the flames of a fire , there appears a new vision or facet of that object or a new way of seeing it in relationship to some other world of thought .
14 If you think of it in relationship to the size of your cooker at home and the size of the convection ovens in the eighth floor kitchen or in they 're much larger and therefore you are more able to cook volume .
15 Until the IOC , BOC or Sports Council and the pharmaceutical industry get together to clearly mark products the competitor will need to refer to it in order to be more skilful than his GP or pharmacist .
16 After the er Police Act nineteen sixty four had been in force for some years and when the government of the day which you supporters in the nineteen seventies and later , tried to erm modify it in order to er make a dovetail with local government reforms which we supported .
17 In other words sex can be great fun , you do n't need to have to do it in order to just have babies .
18 A further discussion with Sir Henry led us to agree that the telegram must be delivered , but that I should take it in person to the Editor and see if something less embarrassing could be agreed .
19 Seven of them , including the Archbishop and Ken , drew up a petition to this effect ; the bishops presented it in person to the King , who exclaimed in anger , ‘ This is a standard of rebellion . ’
20 But the Commission concluded that this measure of institutional concentration was unhealthy , and related it in part to the surviving power of snobbery in English society .
21 Heilbroner ( 1974 ) , examining the human prospect in the mid-1970s referred to an ‘ erosion of confidence ’ as characteristic of the mood of the time and attributed it in part to ‘ a fear that we will be unable to sustain the trend of economic growth for very much longer ’ , and the recognition that we face ‘ a hitherto unimaginable prospect — a ceiling on industrial production ’ .
22 ‘ Have you ever taken part in a fire drill , ’ I ask a ticket collector at a station on the Jubilee Line ( which was supposed to be called the Fleet Line until the GLC 's Horace Cutler decided to change it in deference to the Queen at a cost of £50,000 ) .
23 I suppose she suggested it in deference to the participatory politics of the time .
24 How could she and Bob even put it in words to each other ?
25 On ( or soon after ) Oswine 's death Oswiu 's nephew Oethelwald , son of Oswald , secured the kingship in Deira ( HE 111 , 23 ) ( see Appendix , Figs 6.2 and 7.1 ) , though whether appointed to this position by Oswiu or acquiring it in opposition to his uncle is unknown .
26 You use this form to apply for leave and must submit it in advance to your manager .
27 Once Newton 's physics had been constituted , it was possible to apply it in detail to astronomy .
28 First because in Prisoner desire and fantasy seem transformed into nonsublimated social identification ; as he puts it in relation to one group of black students in America , ‘ while I never desired any particular person , I was all desire for the group as a whole .
29 … the extent to which Leapor 's writing represents female eroticism as transgressive , situates it in relation to sapphic textuality , and exposes the necessary construction of such alternative desires within as well as against the very terms of heterosexual propriety from which they are generated
30 Union Discount could not establish the existence of a duty of care owed to it in relation to the audit .
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