Example sentences of "it have n't [been] " in BNC.

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1 It has n't been much of a week for my wife either ; she now sees little prospect of winning back even a beefburger space in the deep freeze .
2 It has n't been easy .
3 The play 's pleasures are largely connoisseurial ( it has n't been seen for 20 years ) , though one suspects its absence from the stage is a case of understandable neglect .
4 I 've had — it has n't been easy , this past week .
5 I thought this year was going to be a slow year but it has n't been , it just keeps going .
6 You know , it has n't been easy since — since Alison .
7 This theory is testable , though it has n't been tested yet .
8 It is often said , for example , that the Indonesian island of Bali is ruined and that it has n't been worth going to since the 1930s , but to walk through a Balinese night breathing the warm silk of tropical air accompanied by the croaking of frogs and the distant gongs and gamelan music of a temple celebration is a magical experience .
9 In this game someone offers help even though it has n't been requested .
10 You should fill in : 1 Date of purchase 2 Your own sales number and initials 3 Description of goods 4 Quantity of goods 5 Cost per item ( unit cost ) 6 Total cost 7 Authorization code 8 Whether the goods are to be taken away or delivered You should also check the details on the card : 1 The expiry date 2 The signature ( make sure that it matches the one on the voucher ) 3 The strip on which the customer 's name is written ( make sure it has n't been tampered with ) When you have filled in the information , the customer signs the form .
11 I expect that 's why it has n't been re-published , ‘ Hitler is doing wonderful things , ’ the old English craftsmen used to say , sharing their wisdom with me and Tolliday my mate .
12 In case it has n't been said before , I shall say it now : a Bentley is one of the least demanding cars to drive .
13 If your cash has been in the same account for some time , make sure it has n't been closed to new customers .
14 It has n't been the most memorable of summers : let's hope the autumn brings more positive energy ( and not all of it chemically induced )
15 It has n't been decided yet . ’
16 Most of it has n't been turned over for years .
17 But it has n't been a problem .
18 As any mother will tell you , it has n't been one jot less exhausting and emotionally draining to live with a morose , depressed , melodramatic , self-obsessed exam-taker this year than any other year .
19 It has n't been easy .
20 It has n't been good all week and that 's not fair , ’ said George .
21 If he wants to do it his way and he succeeds then great , but so far it has n't been that successful .
22 It has n't been easy .
23 Alan Tonke who has set this one up says that it has n't been easy getting together a viable collection of items to auction .
24 It has n't been cancelled yet , ’ the Prince said petulantly , then turned back with specific instructions for Sharpe .
25 The new profit and loss centre is aimed at driving Sun into areas it has n't been before like the embedded arena and seeking customers who would create a swot of derivative products .
26 However this is a claim made solely on the evaluation of the IBM team and it has n't been given a stamp from the National Computer Security Centre .
27 The new profit and loss centre is aimed at driving Sun into areas it has n't been before , such as the embedded arena , and seeking customers that can create a string of derivative products .
28 It has n't been easy ’ she readily admits .
29 The future-generation operating system , unofficially labelled OS/2 3.0 , will be based on a microkernel architecture — though it has n't been decided which one — will support symmetric multi-processing , and be portable across different hardware systems .
30 It has n't been in the , I cover , but I have some information you gave me , it has n't been in that at all , mm .
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