Example sentences of "it have been so " in BNC.

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1 The sovereign power inherent in the British Crown , as exercised through Council and through Parliament , derives not from a treaty or document or compact , but from prescription , from the fact that it has been so from time immemorial — that it is immanent in the nation itself .
2 Well , it just has not happened , and when they have decided on a theme , it has been so late at night that Ministers have not been told , ’ said one disgruntled insider .
3 However , it has been so dramatic that I think it would be difficult for us to say that it was due to anything but the dietary changes , especially in view of the double-blind trial . ’
4 The only mystery is why it has been so neglected , and the only doubt concerns the quality of history taught in Ayrshire 's schools .
5 It has been so rewarding for me to read about the happiness and freedom from the prison of obesity that is now enjoyed by so many .
6 It has been so long , and this must be Perdita . ’
7 It has been so throughout India 's recorded history .
8 Work is ‘ split off ’ very often from the rest of life and it has been so since the beginnings of industrialisation .
9 To try and answer this question , it is necessary to look in more detail at the anatomy of the current slump in the housing market and assess why it has been so much more severe than previous downturns .
10 for proceeding from the premises of a manufacturer or repairer of or dealer in mechanically propelled vehicles to a place from which it is to be transported by train , ship or aircraft or for proceeding to the premises of such a manufacturer , repairer or dealer from a place to which it has been so transported ;
11 This point emphasises why it has been so difficult to control the overall cost of benefits , which depends on both the level of benefits provided and the number of people claiming them .
12 Power can not flow to empty desks ; which is why , in part , it has been so hard to devise a policy on Bosnia .
13 Perhaps because it has been so popular it has many common names , such as hag taper , Aaron 's rod , Adam 's flannel and torches .
14 Although Newby and his colleagues have demonstrated the dogged hold of traditional rural society on the levers of power , the changes foreseen by Pahl and Thorns , and documented by Ambrose , Connell , Radford and Pacione , may be only the foretaste of a much greater change in rural society , if the development of rural communities in California is a guide to the future as it has been so often in the past .
15 What is theoretically and politically interesting and puzzling is not that it has been defended by the powerful and the better-off sections of the community but that it has been so widely accepted by those who suffer as a result of its continuance .
16 It seems that the outlook for smaller businesses may not now be as bleak as it has been so recently . ’
17 In schools , the development of European awareness will have to be built into the curriculum much more than it has been so far .
18 No doubt it has been so used by the unknown one who has been arranging the thefts .
19 In such a situation , ruling bodies , be it the WBO , WBA or WBC , are reluctant to take away a champion 's title when it has been so close .
20 In fact , Black South African writers are committed in trying to rewrite our history , our true history , because it has been so much misrepresented and twisted , and used against the people themselves .
21 awards monies for specific purposes , your offices for specific and confirm the expense of those purposes , annual auditors to actually confirm that it has been so spent .
22 He says It has all the ingredients that kids want jeopardy , death and destruction but it also has people saving lives and so the parents like it and that is why it has been so popular .
23 It has been so successful it is to carry on in a slimmed down form , with a new name Tees Valley Conference and Visitor Bureau under the control of the Northumbria Tourist Board .
24 In fact it has been so hot and humid today that I have had to get an electric fan and put it on in my room .
25 I mean the first two the first two or three nights after and that 's like the sleeping death because it 's it 'd been so long since I had a complete nights sleep .
26 another big one as well But that one the other night I do n't mind it having been so big , because it was sort of helping my conscience
27 Jay could n't remember why it had been so important to see her .
28 It had been so dry that two days under the warm sun had been enough without letting it stand in stooks or draping it on the hedges .
29 Although there was a loud banging noise , it had been so regular that both of us had incorporated it into our dreams .
30 It had been so exciting the last time with one plane .
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