Example sentences of "it have be in " in BNC.

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1 Arthur Price chairman John Price says : ‘ 13/0 certainly looks as bright and as cheerful as 18/8 but after it has been in use for a short while it goes dull and then grey and , after a year or so , stains and pitmarks develop which can not be removed . ’
2 It has been in our family since 1850 .
3 IT HAS BEEN in the air for months : Charles Saatchi , according to New York 's uniquely garrulous and paranoid clan of dealers and artists , is selling , and he is selling in a big way .
4 It has been in accelerating decline for more than a decade , but the crunch is fast approaching .
5 That is how it has been in the past , we have never been friends , and perhaps it has been altogether my fault .
6 Based largely on Michels 's study of trade union organizations , the model supposes that once any radical organization has grown to the size where it needs to delegate responsibility to professional organizers , and once it has been in existence long enough to produce a complex bureaucracy , then the original radical thrust is lost as the professionals redirect the organization to serve their own ends .
7 The NPC ended its annual session yesterday by passing all laws and reports put before it , but dissent was far greater than it has been in the years following the 1989 crackdown in Peking , which Li played a leading role in .
8 The blast has led to concern that the bank might be forced to decamp to another set of temporary premises — its third resting place in the 18 months it has been in existence — although this now seems unlikely .
9 And it has been in the nature of documentary television to also exploit the subject of mental handicap in a sensational fashion .
10 They can now say that some of it has been in the ground for more than a million years .
11 This theme of joy won through suffering was especially powerful in the persecution faced by the early church , as it has been in times of persecution since .
12 If we consider the environment in the broadest sense , much monitoring of it has been in progress for many years and by an enormous diversity of organizations in the UK ; these include the DoE , the Forestry Commission , the Nature Conservancy , the Health and Safety Executive , local authorities , the component members of the Natural Environment Research Council ( such as the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology and the British Antarctic Survey ) , individuals or research groups in academia , the CEGB , the Friends of the Earth , and UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development ( CEED ) ( 1989 ) .
13 It has been in the family for over 200 years .
14 As in this family , there is some migration of young people from the rural areas to the towns of Northern Ireland but this movement is less than it has been in Scotland or England during the last 40 years .
15 At all stages in the development of armory , and in all the centuries during which it has been in use , there have been two conflicting underlying factors , and it is important that the local historian be aware of them from the outset , so that if false trails are followed they are not followed for long .
16 It has been in the College Library ever since as its greatest treasure .
17 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
18 ‘ Piss ’ is one of several four-letter words less acceptable today than it has been in the past .
19 But I hope Graham will look at my bowling this winter in a different light to the way it has been in the past by England .
20 President Nyerere of Tanzania ( as we shall see in greater detail later ) has taken the view that , in a country faced with problems of poverty , ignorance , disease and underdevelopment on a gigantic scale , press freedom should be limited just as it has been in the liberal democracies in wartime .
21 It has been in implementation of this principle that states have agreed on specific treaty obligations banning chemical and gas weapons , culminating in the 1925 Geneva Protocol banning Asphyxiating , Poisonous or other Gases and Bacteriological Methods of Warfare .
22 Although it has been in existence for some considerable time , train operation for passengers has been provided by battery-electric power .
23 For the last eight months it has been in use at a $10,000m nuclear reprocessing facility in France with no hiccups , according to US president Jeff Sutherland .
24 It has been in the pipeline for a while , and Unix Labs now hopes to embrace the Common Open Software Environment 's planned developers ' conference .
25 It is actively seeking to extend its network : currently it has been in discussion with firms in Austria , Greece , Italy , Spain and South Africa .
26 For the last eight months it has been in use at a $10bn nuclear reprocessing facility in France with no hiccups , according to ODB president Jeff Sutherland .
27 Much of it has been in the nature of self-examination : not least because the achievement of a high rate of economic growth became the central aim of political endeavour .
28 Though the scheme has not yet been approved by Parliament , it has been in business , in effect , since the start of the year .
29 Because it has been in reactors for so long , this sort of plutonium is not best-suited to nuclear weapons .
30 Unless the UN proved much tougher in Bosnia than it has been in Croatia , the Owen concession would have meant that , from Serb-held territories in Croatia through Serb-held territories in Bosnia to the border of Serbia itself , Serbs would remain in control , whatever the peace plan said .
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