Example sentences of "it [vb -s] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When that forest goes , it goes for good , and it 's going fast .
2 I personally and I 'm sure it goes for many here , have spent a long time in the private rented sector and if the opportunity existed to get into council housing we would have taken it .
3 It loops for two miles through the city , lined with splendid palaces dating from the 14th century .
4 It 's a help , but not a complete solution to the problem because once chlorine has been released in the stratosphere , it persists for many years and goes on destroying ozone .
5 In summary then , the reasons for choosing The Machine Gunners include the opportunities it offers for various aspects of personal involvement on the part of the reader and its curricular potentials with regard to related topic , theme , and language work .
6 IF the sophisticated modern diesel engine now makes economic sense for small cars , the savings it offers for bigger cars are more worthwhile .
7 Not least important is the constructive alternative it offers for alienated youth .
8 The Report itself is , as it says , largely a description of the present situation ; its value is therefore the opportunity it offers for new proposals to come forward .
9 She 's over an inch less where it counts for that dress . ’
10 Sometimes the bible surprises us a little bit of course , and it puts it finger on things that we perhaps do n't really want to talk about or we do n't even consider as sins and the bible is quite clear that not all sins are what we do often there what we do n't do in parable that Jesus told concerning the traveller , the man who went down to Jericho , we do n't condemn the priest and the levite for what they did , but we do condemn them for what they did n't do , their sin was not what they did , it was what they left undone , going over and looking at the man was very note worthy , as least there was some interest there and we do n't condemn them for that , but we do condemn them for hurrying along and not reaching out and helping the man in the Pistol of James and chapter four and verse seventeen James says there , any one then who knows the good he ought to do and does n't do it , sins so the sins that you and I comment or the sins rather that we are guilty of are not just the things that we do there of times the things that we do n't do and sometimes there more difficult for us to put a finger on , we can justify them so very easily its been said that all it needs for evil to triumph , is for good men to say or to do nothing well lets look at the , that , illu illustration there that we have in the second book of kings .
11 It often refers to any individual member organization irrespective of its actual name , i.e. whether it is an association or federation or whether it stands for Planned Parenthood , Family Well-being , Responsible Parenthood , Protection of the Family or Family Health , etc .
12 Letterman 's notion of the universal spirit has a commercial aspect : it stands for that human striving which exists as a counter to the banality of human life in the suburbs and malls of our countries .
13 It stands for New Kentucky . ’
14 Contrary to his quip about the B standing for Bad , it does not — it stands for Better .
15 With provocation we look at the " what if " and suppose " and go even beyond these with " po " the new word I coined elsewhere to allow deliberate provocation ( it stands for provocative Operation ) .
16 ‘ Ask not for whom the box-office till rings : it rings for all when the missing millions creep out of their burrows to find enchantment waiting for them . ’
17 Infected programmes activate the virus when started up and it looks for other programmes to infect .
18 Fault-tolerant Unix specialist Sequoia Systems Inc is sinking deeper into the mire and has had to fire 60 people in all parts of the company to cut cost while it looks for new funds to finance its operations .
19 Surmounted by a slender clock-tower , which summoned the Belgian bourgeoisie to rendezvous with the trains as surely as any muezzin summoning the faithful to prayer , it looks for all the world as if it has been transported by some mischievous jinn on a magic carpet .
20 It looks for formal arrangements such as size and frequency of union conventions or conferences , selection and voting methods for the union executives and the existence of intermediate union governing bodies , that is , the devices which can facilitate , when full advantage is taken of them , the development of power bases independent of union leaders .
21 Brian Richards , vice president of UK preclinical R & D at Searle , which recently spent £15 million designing and building a genetic engineering pilot plant in High Wycombe , near London , argues that ‘ good manufacturing practice ’ may suffice for biotechnology factories — as it has for other fermentation industries such as the antibiotic industry .
22 But within this context , Wilkins ' elegant stuccoed facades will be retained , and an important landmark has been saved and will look far more handsome and dignified than it has for many years .
23 But , in spite of the considerable effort and investment , it has for many years failed to pay its way .
24 It has for many years been the most widely used method of social research .
25 While much of the UK is looking gloomily at the dark clouds of a major recession , it seems poetic justice that for at least some of Belfast 's population , the future looks better than it has for many years .
26 I have argued with my district health authority for many years I know that many hon. Members have done the same with theirs — because it has for various reasons shifted the problem of elderly sick people to the private sector .
27 When you go to cast a vote in France , your ballot paper has two names on it , the name of the candidate for , or at least it has for each party or for each candidate two names .
28 It has for some time been considered a most urgent need to extricate mentally handicapped children from long-stay hospitals and stop their admission to them , and there has , as a result , been a sharp fall in the numbers of mentally handicapped children in hospitals .
29 By far the most popular location in recent years has been the Netherlands , for the very good reason that it has for some time offered by far the best deal .
30 The outcome of these changes is that the drug bill is rising faster than it has for some years and above the rate of inflation .
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