Example sentences of "it [vb mod] also [be] " in BNC.

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1 There is a bleakness which centres on Patrick 's infidelities : but it may also be true that the rudeness and aggression with which Jenny , their sex object , is treated by various chuntering males has grown grimmer with the years than it was reckoned to be , by the author , by me and by many of his readers , at the time .
2 It may also be the reason why , in its forty-year history , the Police Staff College has never achieved any real academic status ; for , as Lewis ( ibid. 183 ) also points out :
3 Given time , it may also be the sporting viewers ' .
4 It may also be possible to claim damages against a local authority for negligently failing to ensure that construction work complied with the relevant building regulations .
5 But some commentators believe that it may also be because , unlike other cartel kingpins , Escobar and Rodriguez Gacha are social upstarts who have clawed their way out of the gutter .
6 Such displacement may be a symptom of a continuously destructive semi-repression , but it may also be an effective way of minimizing within oneself , or a group , disabling complications within identity .
7 A bill of sale is commonly used as a means of mortgaging goods ( see p. 105 ) , but it may also be used as an out-and-out conveyance .
8 It may also be argued that , provided a computer record is sympathetically laid out , it is more readable than many handwritten entries found in registers , where handwriting , variations in content and idiosyncrasies of style may conspire to confuse the reader .
9 Offences committed by groups may well occasion greater fear than offences committed by individuals , and it may also be true that groups have a tendency to do things which individuals might not do : there is a group bravado , a group pressure , which may lead to excesses .
10 It may also be said that Caldwell is concerned with foresight of consequences , whereas Morgan is concerned with knowledge of circumstances .
11 But it may also be destructive .
12 It may also be trouble in the 1st/2nd syncromesh .
13 The smoke is probably unburnt fuel If the carb is a little bit worn it will do this The Solex carb is more prone to this than the later Zenith It may also be slight oil burning which is also very common as the engine starts and only happens for a few seconds This is a ‘ feature ’ of Land Rovers and is not really cause for concern
14 Perhaps this is only a witty pleasantry ; it may also be the delight this woman takes in her young friend 's success .
15 While it could be said that an extreme poem reveals hidden struggles most clearly , it may also be remote from the poet 's characteristic beliefs and attitudes .
16 It may also be very important to him that the record is transferred to his next school .
17 It may also be necessary to request suppliers to provide the details by post refraining from sending a representative .
18 In as much as the purpose of the trials is to establish the suitability of a package of products , used for maintenance rather than remedial cleaning , it may also be necessary to arrange for a ‘ deep clean ’ prior to the trial otherwise the results may be distorted .
19 It may also be argued that Roman military advances effectively changed the artistic map of Italy .
20 It is worth noting that industry sponsors are significant contributors to such experimental work : the audience may be small , but it may also be crucial .
21 It may also be useful in case the patient becomes unexpectedly tired , and needs to sit down for a moment .
22 It may also be possible to get some idea of the neighbours , and whether they keep two caravans or a motorboat in front of the lounge windows .
23 It may also be legally permissible to do so .
24 It may also be appropriate to record the decision made so that all involved in the patient 's case may know .
25 This difference is primarily an effect of the composition of the lava , but to a certain extent it may also be the result of the high proportion of phenocrysts present in the lava .
26 It may also be mentioned that Rose was also on roller skates !
27 If you live in a noisy area , it may also be helpful to play a tape of gentle music .
28 It may also be that further relevant information comes to light after the original decision was taken which , in your opinion , means that management should reconsider its attitude .
29 It may also be inferred from the relations between the parties .
30 It may also be noted that the Local Government Act 1986 specifically prohibits any council from spending money for party political purposes .
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