Example sentences of "it [vb mod] have some " in BNC.

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1 IN A LONG apologia for having had the temerity to undertake a psycho-biography of Mrs Thatcher , Leo Abse denies that his book is a personal attack on her , but agrees that it may have some admonitory function in warning people not to acquiesce too readily in the disposition of someone who would appear , on his argument , to be gravely unbalanced .
2 It may have some connection with certain other matters we are investigating .
3 Boston-based Ares Software Corp is hoping to licence its FontChameleon technology to operating system designers , application developers and printer manufacturers , and it may have some success since FontChameleon is supposedly compatible with existing PostScript and TrueType standards .
4 Again , however , one wonders how far this was mere rhetoric in the original or mere gesture in the repetition ; although it may have some influence on the ‘ mission statements ’ that some institutions are now struggling to formulate .
5 He suggests that shifts in the social and political climate in the United States may have had something to do with this change : the very dates of the steep rise of interest in functionalism among sociological theorists also suggests that it may have some ideological import .
6 The current product , however , suffers from some drawbacks , not least the poor legibility of its screen , and while it may have some powerful ‘ look it up ’ reference applications it will never succeed in circumstances where the reading of continuous text is important .
7 They 've had additional training in in erm filling in correctly the the the form and will pick up erm for example on the erm the principal accountabilities — every accountability should have three parts , it should be an action verb to help , or to do , or to ensure , or whatever and it should be what it is you 're doing and thirdly it ought to have some sort of erm target in in in doing it .
8 Explaining how he had instituted a series of business briefs , which go out to CBI members by fax every week , he said each message ‘ should be conversational , it should be easily accessible and it should have some value to the reader or the listener ’ .
9 However , it must have some earlier source .
10 Despite the superficial stupidity of the action , it must have some special advantage in at least enough cases for it to have been the subject of natural selection .
11 First , since the government has the job of running the country it must have some functions , powers and duties which private individuals do not have ; obvious examples are the waging of war and the issuing of passports .
12 Therefore there should be little surprise that Freud first links this compulsion to repeat pain on to the non-sexual instincts , for it must have some instinctual base , and this can not be the life-affirming sexual instincts , for they do seem to operate on the pleasure principle par excellence .
13 For it to do this , it must have some long-term effect .
14 It is not material whether he hath a court or no ; all the matter is , whether he hath a jurisdiction ; if he hath conusance of the matter and person , and he gives a sentence , it must have some effect to make a vacancy , be it never so wrong .
15 ‘ If the sentence be given by the proper visitor , created so by the founder , or by the law , you shall never inquire into the validity , or ground of the sentence … private and particular corporations for charity , founded and endowed by private persons , are subject to the private government of those who erect them … if [ the visitor ] hath conusance of the matter and person , and he gives a sentence , it must have some effect to make a vacancy , be it never so wrong .
16 It must have some declared function .
17 Put simply this means that it must have some means of accepting information from the user , normally a keyboard , and giving results back , traditionally a screen of some kind .
18 Yeah , I think it must have some effect there
19 I wanted to choose for myself , yes , but I also wanted to escape into a world of certainties , which I knew to be unreal while desperately wanting to believe that it might have some reality .
20 In a muddled way , he expected that she might fall into his arms , that he would be able to comfort her and that one thing would lead to another ; and so absorbed had he become in the effect Sam 's death would have on his own affairs , that he had forgotten that it might have some other effect on Martha 's .
21 And that it might have some bearing on what has happened now .
22 Certainly , we might be justified in assuming that whatever kind of superego a person had it might have some controlling , drive-inhibiting aspects , and consequently that anarchy , which is equivalent to a more or less complete absence of controls , is an unlikely outcome .
23 Even if the accident does not seem serious at the time , but you think it might have some ill-effect in the future you should apply to the DSS for a decision that it was an industrial accident .
24 Maybe it might have some more information on it .
25 No it might have some more information , I wo n't be a moment .
26 It might have some .
27 And it might have some more sentences like that .
28 SunSelect suggests it 'll have some new combined products in the new year .
29 it 'll have some pattern but not
30 For example , one director commented that when he saw a topic referred to a few times then it would ‘ click ’ in his mind , and he would then consider if it could have some significance to his company .
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