Example sentences of "it [vb past] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The amazing thing about this second ‘ Carry On ’ was not so much that it succeeded at all , but that it outgrossed the first in the series .
2 It succeeded at first , but Party Politics ' breathing was still impaired and a second , much more difficult ‘ tie-back ’ operation had to be attempted .
3 And as it slumped to the stairs , it realised at last that the girl was also somehow connected with the storm .
4 We have , however , been gathering information on task/standing groups as it arose at various Senior Management meetings .
5 For what it 's worth , it stopped at twelve o'clock . ’
6 The stunt was practised in slow motion , before the cameras rolled and captured Crawford zooming between the lorry 's wheels as it moved at fifteen miles per hour .
7 The maximal amylase response to caerulein of acini from saline ( controls ) treated rats was achieved at 10 - 1 1 M of caerulein , while that obtained from animals infused for five hours with caerulein , it occurred at 10 - 10 M of caerulein .
8 Neither do you 'ave to pay a hundred quid like I 'eard it cost at one time . ’
9 Just a word about the Oxford goal ; I saw that , I saw erm Andy Melville score it , I was most surprised to hear it overruled at half time .
10 It came at eleven o'clock on the morning of 18 April , when Chemical Bank in New York telephoned Branson with some unexpected news .
11 The sun came late in December if it came at all .
12 Discovery was inevitable and when it came at last there were reasons to rejoice , but not at the reunion with Christopher .
13 It came at last , a huge long-distance coach , with high steps in the doorway .
14 It came at last : ‘ Mr Glynn 's travelling companion was to be a Mrs Florence Tremayne of Nansallas Cottage , New Mill . ’
15 It seemed at first that Hepworth , too , might make a telling contribution when he began with three maidens , in the course of which he comprehensively bowled Pearson .
16 But when Felicity arrived , three days later , it seemed at first glance as if she had lost every atom of her old charm .
17 It seemed at first sight to be a chaos of struggling men and horses , a wild mêlée ; but soon it became apparent to the newcomers that it was in fact more like a whirlpool of activity , with the ambushed English , above whom the royal standard wavered uncertainly , in the centre , whilst their more numerous attackers circled round them , smiting and thrusting but apparently making only moderate impact .
18 It seemed at first glance that Louise was wearing a turban ; she had saved her day 's ration of flour and had made a poultice of it for a boil which had erupted on her temple ; her other boils seemed to be growing slightly better .
19 ‘ In 1986 , when the International Whaling Commission banned all commercial whaling worldwide , it seemed at long last the whales were saved .
20 I always knew it probably could n't last because nothing goes on forever , but in that time , I had a great time in New York , and it seemed at one point that everyone was there when David was doing the week at the Universal Amphitheatre .
21 One is to telephone , or write to her beforehand , saying that things have been so hectic at your end recently that it seemed at one point that you might have to postpone your visit for a week or two , but that you are so keen to see her that you are absolutely determined to ‘ make it ’ somehow , even if it has to be just a ‘ flying visit ’ .
22 It seemed at one stage that the dealer was dead — even some of the larger , more old-fashioned companies announced plans to introduce a direct sales scheme at the start of 1993 , although this has yet to happen .
23 It was circling slowly and very low down , almost touching , it seemed at one point , the summit of Big Allen .
24 So nearly , it seemed at one point .
25 In any case it seemed at this point that the war might be lost , and only a month after finishing the poem he was expressing to Martin Browne grave misgivings about the worth and value of his poetic activities , which often appeared to be futile .
26 The conclusion we are entitled to draw from these findings is that , in general , female usage tends towards the more ‘ careful ’ end of the stylistic continuum and male usage towards the more ‘ casual ’ , and it seemed at this stage of our research that we had some justification for the claim that in linguistic variation , sex-differentiation is prior to class differentiation and need not be interpreted as subsidiary to class ( as it normally has been ) .
27 Not only was it situated centrally , but it hosted at that time an international exhibition which was considered an attraction for delegates .
28 The only interesting thing about it is that it happened at all .
29 That it happened at all was historic .
30 It arrived at that by concluding that almost half the trees are felled more than five years before , or after , their age of theoretical maximum return .
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