Example sentences of "it [vb past] provide [art] " in BNC.

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1 More important , the CGLI argued that the latest proposal from the DES would break undertakings given to it in 1973 , when it agreed to provide the administrative services for TEC , that the latter would be confined to technician occupations and would not be used as an instrument of government policy .
2 But here as elsewhere , though the emphasis on cost and utility was helpful in curbing bureaucratic empire-builders , it failed to provide a full definition of the public service which should be provided .
3 A critical examination of the Soviet past , as in Andreeva 's letter , was a necessary part of perestroika in that it helped to provide a better , clearer picture of the way forward .
4 It seemed to provide an envoi to the policies and economics of consensus , which had coincided with decades of calamitous financial and international decline .
5 When the Department of Industry announced its " Microcomputers in schools " , scheme in 1980 , it seemed to Provide an opportunity for Promoting the use of the microcomputer in school libraries and through that further to promote the school library .
6 Beyond the cottage it widened to provide a rough , gravelled turning , backed by a forty-foot bank of shingle behind which Dalgliesh could hear the crash and suck of the tide .
7 Nevertheless , it did provide a stepping stone for some significant figures .
8 It was built relatively late , between 1844 and 1845 , and destined for a relatively short working life , but it did provide a good deal of employment for several decades .
9 The network of family connections in Italy , though not in itself either a reason or motive for the policy which Napoleon III was to pursue in the peninsula , was nevertheless a help in that it did provide a useful information service and helped to create a feeling of sympathy for French policy .
10 Now , Muze magazine may not have been a high profile organisation but it did provide a much needed platform for the flourishing Manchester rock scene .
11 I 'm not saying I 'd have been good for him or him for me , but it did provide a link in a chain that was to tie me to glory in the Open .
12 The 1918 Maternity and Child Welfare Act may have been designed both to satisfy the lobby and assuage opposition from powerful vested interests to a Ministry of Health , and it may have lacked prescriptive power ( Rowan 1985 ) , but it did provide a more formal institutional framework for health provision and an extension of state funding .
13 Unfortunately a concrete path , provided by the builders , had to be broken up ; but it did provide a hardcore base for the paving .
14 The monkey was eaten up in the trees , and was half hidden by leaves , but it did provide the key shot for the closing sequence of the ‘ Hunting and Escaping ’ programme in The Trials of Life .
15 While this pattern was reproduced only imperfectly in the ECSC and while a timetable of functional spillover might have taken an unconscionable time to achieve , what in the end counted for the ECSC was that it did provide an atmosphere of mutual confidence among the leaders of the member states — despite the disputes , none contemplated leaving the Community — and that this helped to pave the way for the creating of the European Economic Community in 1957 .
16 It had to provide a solid base for review articles and monographs devoted to the exposure of ‘ bourgeois falsifications ’ emanating from the West .
17 Stability had not provided an increase in the number of occupational pensioners , but it had provided a secure environment for the lucky half of the nation who were covered .
18 Some of the money raised would provide a Christmas party and disco for the children ; Anne remembered when it had provided a day out at Redcar .
19 It had provided the money , and had earmarked it : the local Assembly could not have changed the plans to one for a new school or slaughterhouse .
20 The Israeli government confirmed on April 22 that it had provided the equivalent of some US$1,800,000 to support the move into the hospice .
21 The election of Mamaloni as Prime Minister in March 1989 , following emergence from the February 1989 general election as the largest single party [ see pp. 36465 ; 36526 ] had been widely perceived as the beginning of a new era in that it had provided the first instance of single-party government since independence in 1978 .
22 The medieval choir school also survived — though renamed by Henry VIII ‘ the Kynges Newe Grammer Scole of Seynt Marie Oterey ’ — and like many provincial grammar schools throughout the land it continued to provide a modest education of the kind which gave to the youthful Shakespeare his ‘ small Latin , and less Greek ’ .
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