Example sentences of "it [vb past] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Consider the dispute over fox hunting and suppose it agreed that the pleasure of men , hounds and perhaps horses , outweigh the pain of the fox .
2 This consequence was caused by London Weekend Television when it revealed that a juror in an official secrets case was a former member of the SAS , and by " The Guardian " when it published details of information discovered by police when they " vetted " a jury which was trying some anarchists .
3 It revealed that an electron orbiting around the nucleus could be thought of as a wave , with a wave-length that depended on its velocity .
4 It revealed that the Bundesbank spent £17 billion trying to prop up the Italian lira and the pound — most of the cash spent in a bid to save sterling .
5 It revealed that the wreckage of a flying saucer was allegedly recovered seventy-five miles north-west of Roswell , New Mexico , in July 1947 .
6 It revealed that the main examiners of food labels were women , particularly and those in the higher socio-economic brackets .
7 In 1972 it expected that the new system of fewer and larger local authorities would prove more efficient .
8 Not least , the CIA was induced to help before it realized that the man with whom it would be dealing was one it had already discarded .
9 While the DUC itself had amassed information and expertise by now to undertake this study itself , it realized that the report would have to be produced from outside the community if it was to have legitimacy or to be seen in any way as neutral : ‘ We in the Committee felt that we knew enough to write the report ourselves but we also felt that it would n't be acceptable to the County Council so we had to get somebody else to do it ’ .
10 Instead , in December 1984 it announced that a 30 per cent cut was becoming ‘ an aim of policy ’ .
11 It announced that the survey had been stimulated by ‘ fears ’ that forest decline of the European type ‘ may be occurring in Britain ’ .
12 It announced that the BCP was being " de-Stalinized " and transformed into " a new type of modern Marxist party " committed to " human and democratic socialism " .
13 To this end it announced that the electoral commission was to be reconstituted in order to free it from political influence and manipulation .
14 The High Court in Dublin sparked a huge controversy on Feb. 17 when it ruled that a 14-year-old girl , who became pregnant after allegedly being raped by the father of a friend , could not travel to the United Kingdom for an abortion .
15 The court decided that victims of art thefts should be protected against the usual requirement in civil cases that the owner must make some effort to recover stolen goods within three years ; it ruled that the clock does not start ticking for the statute of limitations until the victim locates the stolen artworks and asks for their return .
16 The more days went by , the more likely it became that the end of the police search would be the discovery of a corpse .
17 It recommended that a government minister be appointed to co-ordinate the work of all departments concerned with youth affairs , and that there should be more funding and clearer national objectives .
18 For pre-packed foods which contain ingredients that contain copied genes , it recommended that a statement should be required to accompany the name of the ingredient in a list of ingredients .
19 It recommended that every possible assistance and encouragement should be given to the railway in pursuit of its aim .
20 In the event , it recommended that the age of transfer should be raised to twelve , with the first school ( 5–8 ) followed by middle schools ( 8–12 ) .
21 The commission considered that ‘ no producer should be entitled to rid himself of all responsibility for the waste simply by handing it over to a contractor for disposal ’ , and it recommended that the duty should be enshrined in legislation .
22 It recommended that the concentration of Government Offices should take place on the site that Hunt had proposed and that an opportunity will be provided , ‘ without incurring any additional expense , to make a great opening from Whitehall to Westminster Abbey by erecting the new buildings on each side of such thoroughfare ’ .
23 Energy : It recommended that the North conserve oil and reduce per capita energy consumption .
24 Going concern was one of the areas the Cadbury Committee considered , and it recommended that the accountancy profession , together with representatives of preparers of accounts , should develop guidance on the subject for both companies and auditors .
25 It recommended that the curriculum should be examined in the context of national needs and that teachers with specialist skills and particular strengths should be encouraged to use their gifts more effectively .
26 It recommended that the pace of girls ' education be slowed , that physical education reflect the need of girls for ‘ smoothness and expressiveness ’ and of boys for ‘ strength and energy ’ , and that allowance be made for the effect of menstruation , which condemned many girls ‘ to a recurring and temporary diminution of general mental efficiency ’ .
27 It recommended that the prohibition on contingency fees and other forms of incentive should be re-examined .
28 Consequently , it recommended that the financial limits should be abolished .
29 It recommended that the preliminary hearing be abolished , that the district judge be required to conduct the hearing on an interventionist basis , that he or she be required to give reasons for a decision and explain the rules of law and that specific guidance should be provided on the expenses recoverable for small claims .
30 It recommended that the curriculum should emphasise free creation and co-operative inventiveness rather than passive assimilation , and that the study of history , geography and literature should give a central place to Wales .
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