Example sentences of "it [modal v] even [be] " in BNC.

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1 It may even be possible to obtain approval from opposing groups for a set of moral maxims such as peace , justice , and freedom — see the lists of values in McKernan 's ( 1980 ) research , for which he found a high level of acceptance among both Northern Ireland communities .
2 The right moment to begin , he wrote , is the moment when right and wrong are no longer an issue , it may even be the moment , he wrote , when the realization dawns and is at once accepted that another moment might have been equally valid , and when this no longer matters .
3 If the spin is unexpected , it may even be difficult to tell in which direction it is going .
4 In 1944 it took courage to write so favourably about Pound ; and it may even be that Phyllis Bottome foresaw , and was trying to guard against , the peril that Pound would be in as soon as hostilities should be over .
5 It may even be possible for background , contextual stimuli to interact with the pattern of nervous activity evoked by the target stimulus in the early stages of sensory or perceptual processing ( Hull 's ( 1943 ) notion of ‘ afferent neural interaction ’ ) .
6 It may even be that just here is where I have to stop . ’
7 It may even be morally permissible to kill the child ; but the criminal law neither now nor in the future will countenance this , though it may look the other way from time to time .
8 Further , it may even be appropriate to debate again whether consent is appropriate as the governing concept in the medical-legal context .
9 In the latter case it may even be a matter of reading one page in one session , whereas in the former you may be able to read and study a chapter — or even two .
10 Rarely , it may even be unreasonable to select you for redundancy on the basis of length of service , for instance if doing so entails retaining another employee past retiring age when you are much younger and still have plenty to offer .
11 It may even be possible to make neat little ‘ scale-model ’ houses from normal wood , transport them cheaply around the country , and then ‘ puff ’ them up to final size on site .
12 It may even be specific , such as a lung problem .
13 It may even be fair to say that if this were not so , then surely there would never have been any life experience at all .
14 It may even be that despite taking care with matching yourself to the job before making an initial application you may find out further information that will make you less enthusiastic about the job .
15 it may even be safer if elderly , infirm or disabled persons do not use high street cash dispensers , they are too easy a target for opportunistic thugs .
16 It may even be tempted to wonder itself .
17 In a small garden it may even be possible to divide the area into a series of small paved ‘ rooms ’ , using low raised beds to create a strong visual element without dominating or casting much shade .
18 It may even be possible that house prices have merely adjusted upwards to meet the extra spending power of those obtaining mortgages with tax relief attached .
19 It may even be that the indiscriminacy of some of the air operations in the Second World War will come to be seen as something of a historical aberration , and a mere temporary consequence of the undeveloped state of the arts of target acquisition and guidance .
20 Specialist animal insurance companies usually offer such cover at little cost , either separately or built into a health protection policy for your pet , or it may even be incorporated into your household insurance .
21 It may even be possible to convert old non-parallel Fortran programs with the help of the Forge 90 tool from Placerville , California-based Applied Parallel Research Inc , which IBM says it is also supporting .
22 Indeed it may even be achievable through alliances with the Christian Democrats around a programme of democratic reforms ( Hobsbawm , 1977 ) .
23 It may even be that some ingredients were added from outer space , brought by meteorites .
24 It may even be possible to reduce the number of staffed available beds at this time .
25 It may even be that the coupon helped to limit the size of the Unionist victory and to prolong the life of the Liberal Party .
26 If it is not it will be a waste of time and money to include the gift and it may even be detrimental to your relationship with individual members of the media .
27 Yes well the , the question is that I notice in the assets that investments at cost were twenty five million , the present market value is twenty eight million , indeed since that 's been written it may even be more and when I looked down to the other side of the accounts , I noticed interest on capital of twelve hundred and four pounds and I wonder where the interest from the twenty eight million has gone to .
28 If it has been discovered during the course of earth-moving for construction or other work , however , the site may be totally unknown ; in this case , it is important that local archaeologists are alerted as soon as possible , so that some kind of record of the site can be made before it is destroyed , or it may even be excavated if found to be important .
29 It is not easy to see the future for the art of jewellery ; it may even be considered that as an art it has not a future .
30 ‘ The coercion may of course be of different kinds , it may be in the grossest form , such as actual confinement or violence , or a person in the last days or hours of life may have become so weak and feeble , that a very little pressure will be sufficient to bring about the desired result , and it may even be , that the mere talking to him at that stage of illness and pressing something upon him may so fatigue the brain , that the sick person may be induced , for quietness ' sake , to do anything .
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