Example sentences of "it [modal v] be the " in BNC.

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1 In some circumstances it may be the best thing to do .
2 However , if it were merely the scale of the transactions that was unlawful or that payments had been made out of the wrong fund , it may be the council could be forced to honour the contracts .
3 It may be the case , as Honderich states , that the Conservative notion of ‘ intellectual imperfection ’ — the idea that people 's rational faculties are necessarily inadequate to grasp the complexities of social development , and that there are dangers in using abstract reasoning as a guide for social and political behaviour — does not mean , as some Conservatives have claimed , that Conservatism is atheoretical .
4 It may be the only way in which I get what I want in my life .
5 If they win on Saturday it may be the freedom of the town .
6 If they win on Saturday it may be the freedom of the town .
7 ‘ The New World may not be the New World at all , it may be the Old World .
8 But polls suggest that it may be the most popular party within all the black linguistic groups ; and the fighting in the mostly-Zulu province of Natal between the ANC and Inkatha shows that plenty of South Africa 's 8m Zulus take the ANC 's side .
9 But it may be the one part of Daimler that is able to do a deal with some of the Mitsubishi companies , which are eager for a way into trading , finance and other service businesses in Europe .
10 It may be the approach of the atheist for whom the whole of life is meaningless ; it may be the approach of the over-spiritualizing theist for whom this world is irrelevant .
11 It may be the approach of the atheist for whom the whole of life is meaningless ; it may be the approach of the over-spiritualizing theist for whom this world is irrelevant .
12 It may be the case , as some transgenics junkies are claiming , that in 25 years ' time , all chickens on the market will be transgenic but this sounds uncannily similar , in its arrogant implausibility , to the famous Fifties claim that nuclear power would make electricity so cheap it could n't be metered .
13 More specifically , it may be the acoustics or the positioning of the seats or the stage , or it may be the ‘ coldness ’ of cement walls or the seediness of crumbling old ones .
14 More specifically , it may be the acoustics or the positioning of the seats or the stage , or it may be the ‘ coldness ’ of cement walls or the seediness of crumbling old ones .
15 It may be the case — I hope it is — that Borg has always been a much happier man than he has seemed , and that his resumption of his old trade is more a matter of idle curiosity about himself than it is a neurotic search for lost identity .
16 It may be the only town where you can see , as at Friday lunchtime , a Singer Vogue vacate a parking space for a Vauxhall Victor .
17 For others it may be the opposite problem , that doing drama is ‘ a bit silly ’ , a childish game , and that to take part is to ‘ lose face ’ .
18 Once again , it may be the impersonal that is being undervalued by an approach that is effectively denying inanimate objects their autonomy by trying to present them virtually as the organs of God 's body .
19 Refit with new spring If this does n't cure the problem , then it may be the remote filter connected the wrong way round or too thin pipes to the remote filter Failing these it could just be a ‘ tired ’ engine
20 This meant a redistribution of income in the rural sector from the wealthy to the permanent workers , though it may be the case that there was a widening differential in incomes between permanent and temporary workers .
21 It may be the case that such schemes can not operate unless some people make a substantial sacrifice for them .
22 Excessive expenditure is indicative of misuse or other problems and under-spending is equally significant as it may be the first clear sign that cleaning is not being carried out to its proper extent .
23 On US television , it may be the crime series subgenre which comes closest to naturalist verisimilitude , and certainly the eighties generation of Hill Street Blues and Cagney and Lacey ( 1981–8 ) seemed to resemble more closely what people believe to be true than the more apparently formulaic structures of Kojak ( 1973–7 ) , Starksy and Hutch ( 1975–80 ) and Charlie 's Angels ( 1976–81 ) or the more obviously cinematic forms of Dragnet ( 1951–8 ) .
24 Obviously full livery is the most expensive , but if your work is particularly demanding and involves erratic hours it may be the only option .
25 Moreover , to claim that in allowing the patient to die , the doctor acted lawfully , because he omitted to do anything , rather than committed any act , is to overlook the obvious point that , depending on the particular circumstances , it may be the doctor 's duty to act , so that his failure to act by allowing death constituted a breach of duty .
26 Though it may be the last right remaining for the terminally ill or the aged , it is remarkably easy to undermine it .
27 We have to acknowledge , therefore , that the proper balance between the theoretical and the practical is not the only curricular problem with which schools are faced , though it may be the most pressing .
28 It may be as fleeting as a look of acknowledgement when passing the patient 's bed ; or it may be less transient , for example helping the patient through the stages of accepting and coping with chronic illness ; or when a patient has a mental illness , it may be the major emphasis for most interactions .
29 It may be the lifestyle you have already or ( more probably ) the one you would like to have .
30 Nuclear Metals says , however , that the behaviour of the alloys is ‘ controversial … we are not 100 per cent convinced that it is the titanium alloy itself which is at fault — it may be the environment , ’ Don King of Nuclear Metals told New Scientist .
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