Example sentences of "it [modal v] have [det] " in BNC.

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1 However , children who are doing badly tend to expect failure and criticism , since it may have little effect on them except to confirm their worst beliefs about themselves and reduce their efforts .
2 However , even if we are extremely successful in improving the quality of auditing , it may have little effect on the public 's perception of the profession .
3 Or it may have little or no practical effect .
4 Something may be green , or fat , or it may be running , and it may have all these properties or none without ceasing to exist .
5 Meg Dods ( The Cook 's and Housewife 's Manual , I 826 ) instructs that if this is to be kept as a cold relish the white meat and the coral and spawn should be packed " in a regular manner , in layers , or alternate pieces , so that when sliced it may have that marbled appearance , that look of mosaic work which so commends the taste of the cook " .
6 It is not itself a specific condition with a simple ‘ guaranteed ’ treatment ; because it may have many causes , which can be quite difficult to pinpoint .
7 Used as an utterance in context it may have many meanings , which , although they are connected to this context-free sentence meaning , may be extremely varied .
8 It may have many branches leading to many other nerve cells .
9 Where Whisky Galore ( 1948 , Tight Little Island in US ) depicts a Scottish community determined to outwit officialdom and salvage the whisky from a shipwrecked boat , The Man in the White Suit ( 1951 ) treads into that tricky area for British filmmakers , industrial relations , to suggest that when workers and management come together , it may have more to do with their own selfish interests than those of the broader community .
10 The government may have only some of the of the authority it claims , it may have more authority over one person than over another .
11 ‘ I think it may have more to do with my age — but I do feel I have got four or five years more at the top level in the game and I would love to perform at the top level of the Premier League .
12 IN A LONG apologia for having had the temerity to undertake a psycho-biography of Mrs Thatcher , Leo Abse denies that his book is a personal attack on her , but agrees that it may have some admonitory function in warning people not to acquiesce too readily in the disposition of someone who would appear , on his argument , to be gravely unbalanced .
13 It may have some connection with certain other matters we are investigating .
14 Boston-based Ares Software Corp is hoping to licence its FontChameleon technology to operating system designers , application developers and printer manufacturers , and it may have some success since FontChameleon is supposedly compatible with existing PostScript and TrueType standards .
15 Again , however , one wonders how far this was mere rhetoric in the original or mere gesture in the repetition ; although it may have some influence on the ‘ mission statements ’ that some institutions are now struggling to formulate .
16 He suggests that shifts in the social and political climate in the United States may have had something to do with this change : the very dates of the steep rise of interest in functionalism among sociological theorists also suggests that it may have some ideological import .
17 The current product , however , suffers from some drawbacks , not least the poor legibility of its screen , and while it may have some powerful ‘ look it up ’ reference applications it will never succeed in circumstances where the reading of continuous text is important .
18 Windows NT has been dubbed ‘ Windows Not There ’ by some cynics , because it has n't made an appearance on the marketplace yet , but when it arrives , it ought to have many of the better features of OS/2 version 2 , and , if my information is correct , be able to run programs for that environment as well as native Windows programs and DOS applications .
19 They 've had additional training in in erm filling in correctly the the the form and will pick up erm for example on the erm the principal accountabilities — every accountability should have three parts , it should be an action verb to help , or to do , or to ensure , or whatever and it should be what it is you 're doing and thirdly it ought to have some sort of erm target in in in doing it .
20 With respect to the embalming [ of ] Bodies , the methods that were commonly practised could , I know , have no effect ; at that time I read a good many Books upon ‘ Balsamation ’ but got very little instruction from reading these : according to my own Idea the best way would be to preserve the Body for some time that putrefaction should hardly be able to take place , & that it should gradually get rid of its moisture , & that , when it dried , it should have such imbalming juices in it , that it should resist putrefaction , & the insects at the same time be either kept off or destroyed : I set out with this Opinion & thought that something must be thrown thro' the whole Body : the when the Body was preserved , my Idea of getting rid of moisture was , to place the Body in some strong absorbent substance , & that substance which proved best I thought was Paris Plaister & I thought I could lay in a common Coffin such a quantity of Paris Plaister as would take out all the moisture & then I thought the Body should be rather in a wooden case than a leaden one because the Wood would assist the Absorption .
21 It is a tribute to the makers of The Krays , to its director and cast , that it should have such a profound effect .
22 It should have all been ready for him .
23 But a healthy faith should include them all , and it should have each of them in its proper place .
24 1 ) It should have fewer problems with extraneous words than island-driving strategies since it ‘ prefers ’ to work left to right .
25 The idea seems to be that if priests are given a ‘ properly informed sexual education ’ this will prevent their ‘ love of chastity ’ being displaced by the temptations of the flesh , but I see no reason why it should have this effect .
26 Explaining how he had instituted a series of business briefs , which go out to CBI members by fax every week , he said each message ‘ should be conversational , it should be easily accessible and it should have some value to the reader or the listener ’ .
27 Surely it should have more potential than the Booker : the romantic novel has a wider mass readership , and there are few prizes for this end of the market .
28 It must have all seemed very strange . ’
29 However , it must have some earlier source .
30 Despite the superficial stupidity of the action , it must have some special advantage in at least enough cases for it to have been the subject of natural selection .
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