Example sentences of "it [modal v] [be] if " in BNC.

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1 I was just going to say , I think what you say on full employment , erm , elsewhere they 're keeping wages and pay up is n't it , erm , and I 've known a couple in Telford again , that there 's work there , a new company it 's perfectly easy to take on all the good skilled labour they want , then they say they feel they 're very guilty because they 're poaching it from across the road , the British company has probably been two wages so that the jobs , it does mount up , so I do n't , I , I would like to know more about erm , what the low pay unit would really do to help us , and I look at this eight thousand two hundred and eighty pounds , and I think that would go an awful long way in the Mr Chairman , in helping to keep that going , which creates all the people who leave and get jobs , and good jobs , and get skills , and erm , I , I , it may be if there 's going to be a big budget , eight thousand pounds is not very much , but I , but when you think an individual project like that of course , any sort of traineeship , it 's a lot of money .
2 It may be if the trustees pay the 35 per cent rate less the tax credit the Revenue will agree to apply the concession treating the entire payment as one which has borne tax as required by B18 but the situation does not come within the wording of B18 .
3 so erm er or indeed it may be if , if you ask him or if you ask in the general office it may of erm tt it may have it may have been marked by now and so er
4 And devolution might be less effective than it should be if , as could well be the case in Scotland for example , the support for one particular party was such that there was very little likelihood of a change of control at elections .
5 This note-making activity can be very speedy and frenetic-indeed , it should be if the ideas are arriving spontaneously .
6 The unprimed will not necessarily be diagonal as it should be if it is to satisfy the first part of eqn ( 6.16 ) .
7 It should be , it should be if it 's part of the basis upon which you are making an allegation that a duty arises .
8 For some calls they wear plain clothes , but mostly work is done in uniform , as it must be if neighbourhood policing is to work .
9 That developing process is itself totalized through Sartre 's assertion that each totalization is the totalization of all struggles , as it must be if the singular is to incarnate the universal .
10 This is matched ( as it must be if the government does not use the reserves to support the pound ) by a current account surplus as exports rise and imports fall .
11 Well i by definition it must be if it excludes all A classes for example .
12 I said Well it must be if it 's to twenty three .
13 Not a dangerous disposition I think ; though it might be if my nature were more masculine & daring .
14 SPAR 's behaviour seems better if two conditions apply : that the reasoner is known to be less reliable than the linguistic part of the system , as it might be if the texts processed describe a relatively open domain ; and that , as for example , in a machine translation task , no further non-linguistic processing will be carried out on the reading accepted .
15 I do not want your heart broken , which I fear it might be if you saw him unhappy . ’
16 Yeah I think it might be if you could just actually talk through it really rather than asking them to do it .
17 At the agency 's recent annual meeting the Nobel laureate Sir James Black urged that the drug regulatory process should become an integral part of drug development — which it could be if the authorities opened up .
18 ‘ I think you know how serious it could be if she lost this child .
19 As you said , they have n't actually , you know , it 'd be if you could get some sort of portable
20 I was thinking how funny it would be if I had switched the smoked salmon for ham .
21 I remember as a young man walking up and down the main street of the 1951 South Bank Exhibition for the sheer pleasure of it , and thinking how marvellous it would be if every town could have a street like this .
22 What a beneficial change it would be if instead it was acknowledged that these issues present tragic choices between compelling arguments which are held on both sides in good faith .
23 What a fine piece of historical irony it would be if from the heart of this wounded part of Europe there were to emerge a politics that would begin to show us how to be at home in the world , decently balancing the requirements of social justice and economic sufficiency , of finite nature and what we call human nature .
24 How wretched it would be if , because it had no other solution to the problems of Iraq , the world pretended to believe him .
25 Good luck to all of them , and how wonderful it would be if , even when things get tight towards the end , the Jockey Club guidelines on the whip could be remembered .
26 The UK government measures the lead in tapwater that has been running for several minutes , as it would be if you had a bath in it , and not the first few pints or cupfuls , as you would use for cooking or making a cup of tea .
27 What a wonderful play it would be if — as Coward must have wanted — all those love affairs were about homosexuals .
28 How dreadful it would be if you hooked a big fish only to lose it through poking around with an inadequate net .
29 How wonderful it would be if young people could be encouraged to visit the elderly , both in institutions and in their own homes !
30 ‘ Then one day a learned educationist visited the island and met the boy and was astonished at his understanding of many things and at the knowledge which he had developed round these things , and the educationist said to himself how wonderful it would be if every child in the land had the learning which this boy had built around the simple experiences which he had had with the bees , pigeons , flowers , vegetables , forestry and visits to York and Malham .
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