Example sentences of "it [modal v] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 You should make note of the going especially on the take-offs and landings of each fence and decide how it may change or deteriorate .
2 It is therefore folly to give in to behaviour of this kind , and you should try to prevent it by being aware of the situation when it may arise and not responding as the dog demands .
3 This reality is not primarily one of sense experience or of the conscious intellect , though it may suffuse and illuminate both .
4 Please pray for the Brazilian church that it may mature and become a blessing to the nation and to the world .
5 But , even then , it may fail and it should again be emphasised that family members benefit from their own sake from involvement in the Family Fellowships regardless of what may happen to the primary sufferer .
6 In the future it may complement or even replace standard techniques such as phage typing .
7 No one can tell what stimulus it may bring or the fruit it may bear in creative work by later generations .
8 Even allowing for doubt about whether the vitamin supplementation was effective , administering it seems to be a one way bet — at worst it is harmless , but at best it may cure or prevent the disorder in question .
9 It may maim or kill you . "
10 ( h ) To borrow and raise money in any manner and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed , raised or owing by mortgage , charge , standard security , lien or other security upon the whole or any part of the Company 's property or assets ( whether present or future ) , including its uncalled capital , and also by a similar mortgage , charge , standard security , lien or security to secure and guarantee the performance by the Company of any obligation or liability it may undertake or which may become binding on it .
11 ( h ) To borrow and raise money in any manner and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed , raised or owing by mortgage , charge , standard security , lien or other security upon the whole or any part of the Company 's property or assets ( whether present or future ) , including its uncalled capital , and also by a similar mortgage , charge , standard security , lien or security to secure and guarantee the performance by the Company of any obligation or liability it may undertake or which may become binding on it .
12 Members of the public have to depend on the press for information on which to base their opinions ; but if allegedly indecent films are always shown in closed courtrooms the press can not give the public the information which it may want and which is necessary for the formation of public opinion …
13 Plotting becomes charged with ambivalence as it may create or impose order .
14 It may enhance or reduce ‘ life chances ’ , that is their chances of obtaining those things defined as desirable and avoiding those things defined as undesirable in their society .
15 It plucks a long grass stem , carefully strips it of any side leaves it may have and then pokes it down one of the entrance holes of a termite nest .
16 Under duress it may flee and hide , but it can only do this occasionally .
17 It may try and cope without and make a big saving on salary payments . ’
18 Separation may result from clinical depression and , therefore , it may aggravate or maintain a pre-existing depressive condition …
19 Your local social services department should be able to advise you about help which it may provide or know about .
20 A market economy that registers only effective demands made upon it may find or tend towards an ‘ equilibrium ’ that does not coincide with full employment , and hence the manipulation of aggregate demand ( especially via the more potent fiscal weapons ) can produce a preferred path for the economy .
21 The movement is one to be welcomed if it proceeds along the right lines , the lines along which it may develop and not hamper national life .
22 Those of us who wish to push forward must acknowledge the pain it may cause and help those affected to grieve , and then to let go of values and ideas which may no longer be relevant .
23 In addition , the landlord should not be entitled to switch banks as it may wish and the tenant should consider adding the following additional words at the end of this provision : in the event that XY Bank [ Ltd or plc ] subsequently fails to publish a base lending rate
24 On scenting an alarm pheromone , an ant may do any of a variety of things : it may run away from the source of the scent ; it may freeze and ‘ play dead ’ , or it may run towards the source of the scent and attack any nearby enemies .
25 Feeding most species of marine fish is not therefore as simple as it may seem and even if a fish feeds eagerly , it does n't necessarily mean that it 's eating the right food .
26 That it ought to interfere and regulate or even suppress these autonomous , self-creating , voluntary associations is a matter for it to prove : it is not assumed …
27 It should fit and be free-moving .
28 St Bartholomew 's church at Covenham was declining to the state of danger when a parish in California asked if they might have it and ship it stone by stone to the U.S.A. This caused much controversy for a while but finally it was decided that it should remain and be safely maintained on its original consecrated site .
29 I said at eight years old , it should do but it
30 Erm , the oil company continue to invest in capital expenditure , as it should do and er , most of that is spent between services , drilling and , and radar and at , Tussauds we continue to invest er , Alton Towers has got er , the Ghost House opening today and the Runaway Train and we were finishing off the Marylebone Road project , which is a very big , big project involving er , re the complete refurbishment er , new shops and a view right there in the basement .
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