Example sentences of "it [adv] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 From telephone surveys and detailed representative group discussions , the planners developed the programme 's shape — the neighbourhood , story line , characters — and launched it successfully four years later .
2 Is it mostly younger ones that go to that ,
3 The audience , who have seen it all many times before , shift in their seats , chit chat and open bags of popcorn .
4 Was it only five months ago we were all talking of promotion as a certainty ?
5 Leaned , that aircraft will fly 116 miles on the same fuel which takes it only 100 miles in rich .
6 Again , this design gives it only vague impressions of light and shade , but it allows the ostracod to collect a phenomenal amount of the illumination available in its dimly lit environment .
7 Is it ONLY personal callers ?
8 Is it only two weeks since that bleak morning when I had nothing for a future and everything seemed too late , when I dragged myself about the house , alone and miserable and weighed down by self-pity ?
9 Move the leg forwards and back slightly , 20 times , moving it only 3 ins ( 7.6cm ) each time .
10 The one that I tend to use most of the time is this one not least , because it only three pounds , and it 's quite affordable but a , again , it 's got a loud sound to it , and I found that if you carry one of these with you and somebody does approach you , you 've always got this in your pocket and you can actually aim it them , cos they do n't know what you 've got in your hand .
11 The day ended as it had begun with a win for Carl Fogarty , with Robert Dunlop getting his hat-trick , and Jim Moodie , making it only three winners for the seven races .
12 Hrun had stolen it only three days before from the impregnable palace of the Archmandrite of B ‘ Ituni , and he was already regretting it .
13 Because of some delay or other — line workings , Fabia rather thought — her train was late pulling into Mariánské Láznë , and it had gone twelve-thirty before she was ensconced in a taxi and on her way to the hotel which she had left — was it only three days ago ?
14 Amazingly , it only just noses ahead of DR DOS , which has been around for over 18 months .
15 But very often I think tabloid journalism is interesting in terms of language because it 's very punchy it 's succinct because i i in some of our terms you might find people into a three minute reader and a thirty minute reader because in attention span and intellectual capacity are quite different but to actually condense something into meaningful short bursts , even if they are politically biased actually requires a certain amount of skill I would suspect the clarity index which I ca n't find is the process that I mentioned the other night where you take erm some people call it the fog index a correct me if I 'm wrong in my figures , but I think it 's a piece of something like two hundred or three hundred words you count the number of suc erm colons and full stops or is it only full stops ?
16 I had left it only twenty minutes earlier .
17 Under the previous legislation the Secretary of State had the discretion to turn down applications but exercised it only 519 times in the space of five years .
18 Margaret Thatcher herself said it so many times in reply to ‘ wet ’ critics that it became known , not very affectionately , as Tina .
19 I cross the park , as I crossed it so many times in the past , and regain the modest Edwardian streets beyond Maze Hill .
20 I know we said it so many times in Seville but even then there was that feeling it was so unreal .
21 Maybe he had heard it so many times . ’
22 if , as she says he 's repaired it so many times !
23 seen it so many times
24 Did n't say it so many words , but that 's what he meant !
25 He 's planned it so some individuals are happy , some sad , some lucky , some not .
26 The pike 's mouth also has no flesh in it so treble hooks are normally used to secure the fish is caught .
27 I 'm not really an emotional person at all , just because I 'd rather ignore emotion than confront it , so when it comes down to really heavy shit it kinda just breezes right by me .
28 The pound eased 0.39 pfennigs to close at DM3.0283 in London and a stronger dollar pushed it down 1.3 cents to $1.6050 .
29 As a layer of gravel will be put into the base of the jar to help weight it down these slots should be just above this layer otherwise a strong powerhead could pull it into the pipe and block it .
30 He had to put it down several times .
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