Example sentences of "it [adv] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Yet the Declaration of Rights made no provision for regular Parliaments ; it merely stated that " Parliaments ought to be held frequently " , and even then it was the last demand made in the document , suggesting that it was not a particularly high priority .
2 ‘ … one was a female pauper of very advanced age who had laboured for many years under a complication of incurable disorders , and her situation was so desperate as to have precluded her from being received into the House had it not happened that she was the first patient presented .
3 A , the judge did not explain the use of seven as a multiplier but it not suggested that such a calculation could be done with complete accuracy and using a five percent table , the judge was faced with choosing between seven and eight .
4 It is not entirely clear whether these were improved native stock or were imported , nor is it conclusively proven that the Saxons brought the large type of red cattle to southern England , establishing the ancestors of the heavy modern red breeds now found in Devon , Sussex and Lincolnshire .
5 Nor was it generally known that some newspapers had declined to accept such advertising on ethical grounds .
6 Was it a huge game of bluff ? was it ever intended that if the reports favoured nationalization we were to get it ?
7 From Otto 's time on the ambition to be crowned emperor by the pope was an inevitable ambition for all German kings until long after the end of our period ; nor was it ever forgotten that this was in imitation of Charles .
8 The following day it further reported that Mallam Yahaya had surrendered to police .
9 Going back to the rejoinder , it further alleged that the discharge of Samuel Revill was without the knowledge , privity or consent of the defendant .
10 It further provided that if the tenant failed to serve a counternotice he should be deemed to have agreed the rent specified in the landlord 's notice .
11 Despite its overall stress on growth , the statement recommended a cautious approach , observing that " the appropriate framework is one of fiscal and monetary policies geared to sustainable growth with price stability over the medium term " ; it also recognized that " the specific mix of policies would vary depending on the circumstances in each country " [ see also p. 38314 ] .
12 It also provided that divorce proceedings should be instituted when all the matters in dispute were to be finally settled between the parties in the context of the court proceedings .
13 ‘ Be it also known that mutation can twist the rune-signs written in gene-seed .
14 In the most obvious sense the establishment of special facilities for young workers emphasized their distinctiveness and their separateness ; it also suggested that by virtue of their ignorance and incompetence they needed to rely upon ‘ professionals ’ for assistance in choosing and finding an occupation .
15 Radio Cameroon said that two people were killed , many injured and 219 arrested ; it also alleged that " certain foreign radio stations " were carrying on a disinformation campaign against Cameroon .
16 Although it later transpired that the RSSPCC were contracted by the Social Work Department to remove and question the South Ronaldsay children , at the time it was generally understood that Orkney 's own social workers were mainly involved .
17 Is it really suggested that it is in the best interests of the community that the proper approach to remuneration is purely on a time basis , and supply related to the question whether there are sufficient people prac-tising ?
18 So I must ask you : Will you come to Scone and make it publicly known that this kingdom is your prime care ?
19 Is it seriously suggested that the entire elderly population should be regularly screened , that a clear majority should be followed up monthly for six months , and that half should be treated for life on the basis of even the most optimistic interpretation of the trial data ?
20 Is it seriously suggested that she break with her old allies because of her lack of sympCOMMAND FILE ABORTED. athy for their mental health reforms ?
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