Example sentences of "it [prep] the place " in BNC.

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1 It was beautiful how they 'd laid it down that the baby should be brought up in Dynmouth so that they could always see it about the place .
2 He had inherited a view of the cross which saw it as the place where Christ did something which changed God 's mind about human beings .
3 The ambusher sprints ahead to find the place where he will hide in the leaves , while the chasers move in front of the driver and run along the branches trying to grab the monkey and chasing it towards the place where the ambusher sits hidden .
4 The Dents owned the very first car in Baldersdale and that created quite a stir I remember being at school when they first drove it round the place and the teacher brought us all out on to the road to have a closer look at this amazing thing .
5 for delivering it to the place where the purchaser intends to keep it ;
6 One this girl traced my hand and I traced hers at the same time — I went very slowly , which triggered her ticklishness , and she laughed every time my pencil made it to the place between two of her fingers , but she was brave , she stayed put .
7 Thence northwards to Mina 's land , so eastward to the stream and over it at the place called Ufa 's ford , thence to the place called Lagness , thence to Laxley , and so to the place called Balsham , thence to the bridge at Ellridge , and thus northwards besides the marshy places , over this to the stream called ( Aldingbourne Rife ) and thence east to Waermund 's enclosure , thence to Wador 's barrow from that place to the fishpond , and from there to ( Ryebank Rife ) , and so the line runs to the sea …
8 So in the evening , after supper , Clara walked off by herself and caught the Métro and got off it at the Place Pigalle , for that was the only name on the Métro map that she recognized .
9 He came to see you , he came in with a fag , wafting it around the place
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