Example sentences of "it [verb] hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Today my black-gloved fist grasps the most interesting stick it has held to date .
2 An English radical commented in 1887 that ‘ the present position of the European world is one in which sheer force holds a larger place than it has held in modern times since the fall of Napoleon ’ .
3 As stout and weathered as an old vessel , it appeared to hold at least two of everything .
4 It turns out that the Heston Club team has lost a title that it had held for the past few years .
5 In mid-1991 the ALP lost a by-election in Geraldton ( which it had held for more than 70 years ) , winning only 16.7 per cent of the primary vote and recording an unprecedented negative swing of 30 per cent .
6 In what Kohl described as " a terrible defeat " for the CDU in Baden-Württemberg , Germany 's richest state , the party lost the absolute majority it had held for 20 years .
7 The National Democratic Party ( NDP ) , a DLP splinter group formed in February 1989 by former Finance Minister Richie Haynes , failed to retain any of the four seats which it had held at the dissolution .
8 Moreover , in Commission of the European Communities v. Hellenic Republic ( Case 305/87 ) [ 1989 ] E.C.R. 1461 , 1478 , para. 21 , the court pointed out that , as it had held on several occasions ( see , inter alia , Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic ( Case 63/86 ) [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 29 ) , the prohibition of all discrimination on grounds of nationality set out in article 52 of the E.E.C .
9 In the event the opposition 's share of the seats increased from 37 to 53 , but Semangat " 46 won only eight seats , compared with the 12 it had held before the election .
10 The Social Democratic Party ( SPÖ ) led by mayor Helmut Zilk lost the absolute majority of votes which it had held in Vienna since the end of the Second World War , although , because of the complex proportional system of apportioning seats , it retained an absolute majority of seats .
11 Not really , no it 's held by muscles and ligaments , hello Graham , I have told them that you 're coming , this is Graham
12 Er I would , I would echo that , that we feel that they money has been paid in for work or services done by the employer and by the er fund members themselves have contributed and I do n't think it belongs to either of those parties in any more , it 's held by the trustees to pay pensions , if for nothing it 's been put there just to pay pensions , it 's not a piggy bank for er for companies to draw out with the with their tame er trustees allowing it , it it 's money the trustees hold in in trust and I believe that 's the law at the moment and er I I think we would like to see that confirmed in any new law .
13 erm on the question of the board all is answerable to the general meeting of the er company it 's held in the Autumn of each year .
14 Erm well what I , what happens , I think that 's good , it 's act it 's not , it 's not inside because it 's encapsulated , it 's not inside because it 's held in there by the socket joint if I draw , draw you a picture , it 's not because the socket joint is so tight it ca n't fall out , is that what you 're saying to me ?
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