Example sentences of "it [verb] [to-vb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Lie is a nasty word and those in politics ten who use it tend to get hit by it on the rebound .
2 The Board of Anglo-Welsh announces that it has to date purchased 722,000 ordinary shares in Palatine at 285p per share .
3 The root-stock then has no option : with no or insufficient shoots to take the upthrust , it has to get rid of its energy with top growth of its own .
4 If it is , it has to have come about by Darwinian selection of fluke genes .
5 The pillar of gas and sand was pulled out by the wind , darkening the sand under its shadow and forming a curtain of haze under its base like you see under a heavy cloud sometimes as it starts to get rid of its rain .
6 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
7 Like the Front , it wants to get rid of Mr Yeltsin by fair means or foul .
8 C can really This one is magnesiums going round with two extra electrons there that it wants to get rid of
9 And then they can all be turn Then they 're happy they This is sort of lent if you like , they say donated but think of it as lent , it 's lent its electrons to the fluorines cos it wants to get rid of them and the fluorines wanted to take them so , it makes this nice bond .
10 necessarily calling for radicalization cos it was forced erm I , I , it appeared to me that how that the Communist Party would have continued a moderate policy had the peasants not erm been demanding further radical change and in actual fact the tone of the document 's quite moderate and it 's protecting middle peasants , rich peasants , even some landlords who had remained loyal to the Party so it 's not at all radical but erm it 's just it 's radical in the sense that how that it wants to get rid of feudalism , but it 's not getting rid of landlords per se as a class .
11 The common European toad , when it meets a snake , inflates its body and stands on tip-toe , a procedure that makes it appear to have grown suddenly and that seems to baffle most of the snakes that encounter it .
12 And it happens to have come out right .
13 It climbed vertically above the field , retracing its earlier journey , until it seemed to hang suspended at the precise point where it had rested a moment ago .
14 It seemed to stay stuck to the glass , its shape twisted up , for a very long time .
15 It seemed to have become stuck somewhere back there during the night .
16 More than ever , it seemed to have become a part of her body .
17 Grunte , who had little time for the Third World , said that as far as he was concerned , most of it seemed to have moved to Birmingham .
18 Spokesman Brian Adams explained : ‘ The historical society is one of the oldest clubs at Queen 's but for a long time it seemed to have fallen into a plodding routine .
19 For a moment it seemed to have broken the spell and punctured the mournful air of the church .
20 It seemed to have swollen in her chest , huge and hot , and its painful drumming shook her frail body as if to burst it apart .
21 However , glancing at Pat , it seemed to have gone pretty much as he had expected .
22 ‘ You could have had a hundred casual affairs , and I 'd have adjusted to them somehow and tried to make you fall in love with me , but the thought that you 'd loved someone else and still loved him , because it seemed to have gone on over the years , periodically resumed …
23 He ought to have been over the moon at her suggestion that she leave him , but instead it seemed to have made him angry .
24 It seemed to have spread to his neck and down the right side of his back .
25 Then , just when it seemed to have settled , it made a sharp sideways movement , tugging against the halter .
26 It seemed to have started the moment I got it home .
27 Never being lost for words had always been one of Rory 's great talents , but right now it seemed to have deserted her completely , and she was forced to look away from his dark , probing eyes , horribly aware of his apparent ability to see straight through her .
28 It was her firm belief that the quickest way to achieve mental health was to absorb oneself in the problems of others and , in this particular centre , it seemed to have worked .
29 It seemed to have lasted a long time and there had been no glory for me in it .
30 There was no mention of any such glass in an early twentieth-century description , and it seemed to have disappeared before a restoration of 1869 .
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