Example sentences of "to member [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The research ‘ form ’ was easy and quick to fill in , and itself gave immediate feedback to members about the investigation process .
2 The Trust is well aware of the undesirability of sending too many offers to members through the post .
3 The 24-page full colour schools booklet ‘ HIV — It 's Your Choice ’ is now available to members of the public at a price of 50p each .
4 The well-born and the well-off have been apt at such times to turn , for diversion and instruction , to foreigners and to members of the working class .
5 PIRA is a proscribed organization and there is also a law preventing the national radio and television , RTE , from giving air time to members of the movement .
6 Enclosed is a copy of the new ACE Booklist 1991–2 , which lists all our consumer titles and intended for distribution to members of the public .
7 To portray specific characters , whether imagined or real ( some were known to members of the audience at the first performance of Enigma Variations and Isadora ) , the would-be choreographer can use classical dance as a firm base but must pay more attention to his characters as particular individuals .
8 Bonhams press officer Jill Potterton told Dogs Today : ‘ We are happy to give free evaluations to members of the public who come to see us .
9 This right is given to members of the public under the Access to Information Act 1985 .
10 Fielding notes how some constables subsume these negotiating skills under the category of ‘ talk ’ , which gives meaning to their complaint that many younger policemen seem no longer to know how to talk to members of the public ( 1988b : 60 ; also see Holdaway 1983 : 90 ; Southgate 1982 : 11–12 ) .
11 That is , how to convey to members of the public that their request or complaint is taken seriously even though it is impossible to act upon it .
12 According to members of the reforming faction , some officers have attempted to use Sir Peter Imbert 's apparent discomfiture over his role in the Guildford Four case to discredit the Plus Programme , with which he is closely identified .
13 Before Raymont works towards ‘ ways of showing respect , understanding and affection to members of the opposite sex ’ , she should realise that the opposite sex 's obsession with ‘ members ’ is a problem of enormous gravity .
14 This has emerged from briefings by the West German Foreign Minister , Mr Hans-Dietrich Genscher , to members of the German Bundestag about his visit to Moscow earlier this week .
15 This has emerged from briefings by the West German Foreign Minister , Mr Hans-Dietrich Genscher , to members of the German Bundestag about his visit to Moscow earlier this week .
16 Moscow sets terms for unity debate Following are extracts from an address to members of the European Parliament given yesterday by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Mr Eduard Shevardnadze .
17 Known as Antonia to her friends , and as ‘ that old trout in the blue tent ’ to members of the general viewing public who tuned into the Booker award ceremony by accident , she is a former English lecturer and author of a study of Wordsworth and Coleridge .
18 In Ajdabiya , in the lineage with two shaikhs , each organized levies ( collected from his supporters ) and paid money to members of the whole lineage , regardless of which shaikh they were genealogically closer to .
19 Mr Hurd said delays in granting exit visas to members of the 5,000-strong British community had eased .
20 Lord Lane , referring to members of the public who attended court regularly to follow cases , made special mention of a Mr Maurice Mahoney .
21 Under this concept help was to be offered to members of the birth family to separate both emotionally and physically from the placed child .
22 When bonds came on the market after this time they were sold quietly by the Bondholders Committee to members of the Club with a long term , proven interest in its affairs , who had either enquired about bonds or were offered them being regarded as suitable individuals .
23 The loyalty of confidentiality is seen to be owed to members of the group and those relationships are the crucial ones which must be protected .
24 Promises quite often concern the actions of others : to consent to be governed by another is to promise to obey him ; to consent to his joining the expedition is to promise to provide him with the facilities and the help made available to members of the expedition .
25 The King 's after-dinner receptions , limited to members of the diplomatic corps , ministers and a scattering of prefects or mayors from the Departments , ended at ten o'clock sharp .
26 Opposition to official policy was not confined to parliamentarians , but extended even to members of the Imperial family .
27 In the Birthday Honours made to members of the RIBA ( RIBA Journal August ) John Peter Foster received an OBE.
28 There was an element of truth in these comments and before charting the history of the regiment he raised , it is worth examining the background of this remarkable man , later known to members of the regiment either as ‘ Colonel David ’ or simply as DS .
29 Gradually he pieced together the story , visiting or writing to members of the family in several continents to confirm details .
30 On 9 April 1946 , he demonstrated car 303 on the Marton route after the regular service had finished , to members of the press who described the riding qualities over the disintegrating track as ‘ sensational ’ .
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