Example sentences of "to be used for " in BNC.

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1 Standard bobbins can not be used for E cores , since all three legs have to be used for the isolated topology .
2 Red tile set on edge was to be used for the centrepiece , Portland stone for the surround , brown pebble paving for an infill , blue and white pebbles to make a star design , white marble for the path through the pergola .
3 Eventually , in conjunction with television , it could allow the telephone to be used for ‘ tele-shopping ’ , or for selecting a film from huge databases which could be the electronic video stores of the future .
4 Robert Darby , 25 , a youth leader known as The General , and Leslie Thomas , 26 , were yesterday convicted at Southwark Crown Court of permitting premises to be used for the control and supply of drugs in relation to acid house parties .
5 It had one of the best acoustic sound-dubbing rooms in Europe — they 'd been fitted out some time in the thirties to be used for putting soundtracks on to movies .
6 The buildings continued to be used for this purpose until the mid-1980s when an enterprising manager of a local farm realised that something could be done to salvage the structures for a more profitable use .
7 Leslie Thomas , a leader of a gang that organised acid house parties in London , was jailed at the Old Bailey yesterday for five years and three months after being convicted in his absence of plotting to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
8 Thomas , of east London , plotted to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
9 Thomas , of the Isle of Dogs , east London , was found guilty of plotting to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
10 SHORTLY after the Russians invaded , the famous Barrandov Studios , in which so many world-class directors had worked , were to be used for the making of a film called Factory Of Illusions , in which a young and idealistic graduate of the Film Academy arrives to find well-known film-makers of the New Wave drinking and whoring instead of making films , and almost succumbs to counter-revolution himself .
11 From saying that a thing ought to belong to a man , that it ought to be used for his benefit , you come to saying that it actually is his , ‘ in equity ’ or ‘ in conscience ’ .
12 God has a way on retreats such as this of bringing home to us the challenge of a first-order question : ‘ Do you love me in the way Mary loved me and allowed herself to be used for my mission ? ’
13 Chico , whose street paintings were first used by the denim company in the ‘ Crosstown Traffic ’ advert , has now customised a number of their jackets with scenes of urban America to be used for promotional purposes and to raise money for charity .
14 But the term ‘ canon ’ was being used for the standard of authentic teaching given by the baptismal confession of faith well before it came to be used for the list of accepted books .
15 Hakim said he never knew what it was going to be used for next ; on an organisation chart he left a column for Africa , since North had hinted that he might one day do something there too .
16 Churchill 's ‘ Mulberrys ’ , the artificial harbours to be used for the invasion , were constructed on the Gareloch , and capital ships by the dozen , aircraft carriers , cruisers , battleships and destroyers — all lay off the coasts of the west or sailed into the Clyde .
17 The scheme is designed for the younger ( less than 36 years old ) organic chemist , the funds to be used for the purchase of equipment , books and consumables , technical assistance , professional travel or any other activity directly related to the research being undertaken .
18 In some months fertiliser would probably be banned , and a range of optional measures such as training , use of catch crops and set-aside of land ( for example to be used for forestry or nature conservation ) would follow .
19 people to allow the first brick bridge north of the Foxton Junction to be used for cross over in towing .
20 In fact this is not an attempt to reverse pollution , but something more complicated : to create a plan that would enable Lake Ichkeul , in Tunisia , to be used for several different purposes simultaneously .
21 The next mill downstream is Cheshers Mill , later referred to as The Old Mill , one of the few in Blockley never to be used for silk .
22 This second study differed only in that during initial training the subjects received conditioning trials with a different stimulus ( a light ) in the context that was to be used for the test .
23 Where a cloth or other equipment is to be used for applying disinfectants it should be disinfected before use .
24 Many early stations were simply large barn-like structures , a form which was to be used for several decades .
25 LDL carry cholesterol to tissues where the cholesterol is off-loaded to be used for building membranes or for conversion into various hormones .
26 Standing sex has had a bit of a bad press — mainly because it tends to be used for illicit love-making by young couples who have no bedroom to go to .
27 They spouted the need for hard line , no compromise , battle tactics and urged for the medium of roack/pop music to be used for propaganda purposes .
28 Under the Act those executing a warrant are required ( not empowered ) to intercept all communications sent to or from one or more addresses specified in the warrant where the address in question is likely to be used for the transmission of communications to or from one particular person specified or described in the warrant .
29 The chief problem with thallium was that it did n't seem to be used for anything much apart from the manufacture of optical lenses of a high refractive index — camera lenses , for example .
30 After all , the word ‘ engineer ’ used to be used for the person who could drive and maintain a car , in the early days of motoring .
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