Example sentences of "to be the first " in BNC.

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1 I cherished the ambition to be the first ( perhaps the only ) Italian writer to describe the Yiddish world .
2 This appears to be the first contradiction which the bishops later sought to resolve by withdrawing from the direct contact method .
3 ‘ Nicole and I are getting married , ’ said Sir Vivien , ‘ and we wanted you to be the first to know .
4 Though its accounts of individual poems are as searching as anything in Davie 's earlier books ( we owe Carcanet a debt : this is to be the first in a uniform edition of Davie 's work ) , Under Briggflatts is also a mordant and compelling history of the social climates to which these poems were a response .
5 The Dutch are widely expected to be the first to try it .
6 They tend to be the first victims of clean-sweep company shake-ups and takeovers .
7 Norrish was elected last May to be the first woman president of the 150-year-old club .
8 The moves to stem wildcat stoppages , condemned by unions and the Labour Party and the independent Industrial Society — are thought to be the first time ministers have sought to legislate against the individual .
9 It is believed to be the first time a developer has urged the Government to schedule an archaeological site .
10 Editors do think explicitly about timing and they are not motivated merely to be the first to print a ‘ scoop ’ : they keep stories until the time is ripe .
11 The proposal for a community charge — or ‘ poll tax ’ — put forward by Nicholas Ridley in 1988 ran into furious local opposition , not least among the Scots who were to be the first to pay this new imposition , After all , freeborn Englishmen , led by Wat Tyler , had revolted against a poll tax as long ago as 1381 , and its bluntness and social inequity helped fuel a considerable popular protest , including in the Conservative shires .
12 Lawyers said the action for disclosure of the name was believed to be the first of its kind in Britain .
13 Providing the valuer had been honest and diligent , the court should be cautious before convicting him of professional negligence merely because he had failed to be the first to spot a ‘ sleeper ’ .
14 RECEIVERS were yesterday appointed to the brewing businesses of the Australian yachting tycoon , Mr Alan Bond , in what may prove to be the first step towards the world 's largest corporate collapse .
15 On subsequent journeys I would always try to be the first to see it and shout , ‘ There it is , I saw it first ! ’
16 It is a house which has given rise to much aesthetic conjecture , and for a long time it was deemed to be the first seed of the modern movement in England , for it did not appear to be built in any revival style , but in a fresh new one .
17 Besides , there is no solid reason to assume that Mr Hussein 's will is going to be the first to break .
18 I was surprised to note a major historical inaccuracy in your excellent article ‘ The Democrats ' dilemma ’ ( April 20th ) , when you state ‘ Mr Bush might be flattered to be the first unopposed president . ’
19 You frivolously suggest that Mr Bush might be flattered to be the first unopposed president .
20 The court held that the rule that the welfare of the child is to be the first and paramount consideration applies not only to disputes between parents , but also to a dispute between parents and a third party .
21 Your claim to be the first publication to print dog obituaries made me wonder how many other readers remember the Tail-wagger magazine , which had a regular In Memoriam column .
22 As a matter of fact , he hated anyone to get to the post before himself , needed to be the first to turn them over and sort them out .
23 I say unwittingly because originally the second nine was intended to be the first , but this was changed and thus gave the second nine its water-strewn flavour .
24 Mr Chihana made it clear , however , that he intended to be the first opposition leader to confront the government openly from inside Malawi .
25 A light air genoa is expected to be the first to be tested over the next few days .
26 POLAR adventurer David Hempleman-Adams has set off leading a five-man British team attempting to be the first to walk to the north geomagnetic pole without dogs or air-drops .
27 The killing of the bird caused dismay to the RSPB because it was released in Scotland and is thought to be the first to have made its way to southern England from a release programme .
28 Basildon is likely to be the first Tory-held marginal to declare .
29 But his recent form has shown the Belgian-bred gelding to be back to his best , and he must be favourite to be the first horse to take the World Cup for a third time .
30 This is thought to be the first such judgment on a privatised water company .
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