Example sentences of "to the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The pattern of both the muscles and the tendons of the chick limb respond to the same positional signals as the cartilage .
2 This makes them rather like Health Maintenance Organisations ( HMOs ) in the United States , which receive a fixed annual sum of money to provide health care for enrolled patients ; the system subjects them to the same financial incentives and may lead to the same adverse effects .
3 The full glory of Chuck Prophet 's twisted Telecastering is definitely best savoured live , but the latest release from Green On Red sees the errant duo of Prophet and Dan Stuart re-writing the same old songs to the same good effect .
4 The alternative and oppositional groups evidently owe something , perhaps much , to the same general conditions .
5 As neighbours of the enormously powerful and expansionist United States , the Canadians had a direct and abiding interest in maintaining for their part the fiction that they belonged to the same political entity of the rich and powerful United Kingdom .
6 When he gets to the event and discovers that the people there are friendly , interesting and pleasant company — and most belong to the same political party — he will begin to think .
7 They conform to the same technical rules as ports de bras and must appear to pass through the centre line of the arm from shoulder to finger-tips and move within the two circles drawn by the elbows and hands .
8 These markers are outward signs portraying whether or not individuals and collections of people belong to the same ethnic group .
9 It wants a more detailed report , but Llewellyn , though free now to continue playing , will eventually be subject to the same disciplinary measures as a player sent off at home .
10 And no matter how fit you are , you 're just as susceptible to the same long-term damage as the average couch potato .
11 ‘ I 'm always attracted to the same swirling motif , so a certain harmony is inevitable .
12 However , these ‘ social factors ’ are not subjected to the same systematic analysis as the technical ones , and they remain unconnected , irksome and somehow immovable under prevailing analytical frameworks .
13 Furthermore , histamine has been shown to trigger cAMP dependent phosphorylation of a 27 kDa phosphoprotein , which is restricted to the same low speed fraction of parietal cells that contains increased H + , K + -ATPase activity after histamine stimulation .
14 The hyena remains that William Buckland took as evidence of the deluge belonged to the same recent period , as did the giant deer sometimes called the ‘ Irish elk ’ .
15 But as mystics these medieval women , though " taking the route [ they ] would be likely to take " , join with their male counterparts to point to the same inner journey into the truth of the Incarnation — a wisdom which transcends human distinctions and where " there is neither male nor female .
16 I appeal to the same verbal trick as I used in Chapter 3 .
17 Chastened , Wycliffe turned to his memo : ‘ Bullet and cartridge case submitted August 7th : Preliminary examination suggests that these belong to the same round and that the bullet was fired from a self-loading pistol of 7.65mm calibre ( .32 auto .
18 This porosity probably formed in response to the same early leaching process that affected the lagoonal mudstones and boundstones , and is made up almost entirely of intragranular voids .
19 Sometimes certain families adhered to the same religious beliefs for several generations .
20 These incidents are rare not only because national emergencies are mercifully infrequent , but because for much of the time there is an instinctive understanding between the governors of the broadcasting organization and the government of the nation , as the corporation 's behaviour on issues like appeasement demonstrates ; Reith succumbed to the same collective delusion that had seized Chamberlain , his foreign secretary , Halifax , and most of the population .
21 He said that they would be subject to the same collective discipline , would be able to carry a majority in the Commons and would be able to sustain the short-term unpopularity of some of the decisions that might be necessary to get the economy moving again .
22 ‘ It says something for the civilising effect of our upbringing that we can both sit here calmly sharing a meal together when we freely admit to the same deep-seated and violent antipathy . ’
23 These conflicting experimental results may in fact be indicating that different batches or strains of the same species of plant , too , may exhibit different reaction patterns to the same homoeopathic remedy , and serve to underline the difficulty of using animal or plant models in a situation where , even with a cooperative patient giving a good history , remedy selection can be extremely difficult .
24 In the course of the 1970s various ‘ summary ’ analyses of large numbers of ‘ effectiveness ’ studies — Lipton , Martinson and Wilks ( 1975 ) and Brody ( 1976 ) being perhaps the best known — came to the same negative conclusion .
25 The Smiths seduce us into aspiring to the same heroic pitch of failure and exile .
26 The sufferer 's previous " pictures " tended to lead repeatedly to the same emotional responses to outside stimuli .
27 They therefore have much more freedom and scope for accommodation , and are much less likely to conform to the same fixed pattern .
28 Abruptly she felt as if she were on some kind of mental treadmill , returning to the same overworked grievance .
29 If you love your pet — treat it to the same supportive comfort that you demand from your bed for your own good night 's sleep !
30 If two different species showed the same coloration , this merely confirmed that they were both subject to the same orthogenetic trend .
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