Example sentences of "to be seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For Modigliani it was important for his work to be seen outside France in an international setting .
2 If it is larger then spreading can cause pixels to be seen outside the permitted area , if smaller then accuracy can be lost .
3 In practice , the platform becomes a place for people who want to be seen , those who believe that their own importance is such that the presentation of the programme is secondary to their right to be seen beside the programme participants .
4 Such sky as was to be seen between them was as grey as a school sweater .
5 The most widespread bee-eater of the region , and the only bird with harlequin plumage and central tail feathers slightly projecting likely to be seen over the greater part of it .
6 Above , a gibbous moon fought a brave but doomed battle to be seen through the scudding cloud , occasionally emerging to spill its light like a bucket of whitewash over the slates .
7 They focus not on areas of need but on areas where they want to be seen to be giving , and that 's usually where the spotlight happens for the moment to be falling .
8 Some of Ferguson 's tries had to be seen to be believed .
9 The international community , which has expressed overwhelming support for President Barco 's offensive , is under pressure to be seen to be doing something to help , and quickly .
10 Everyone agrees that something will have to be seen to be done before the next annual general meeting in February .
11 The avalanche of red tape surrounding events such as this ( the entire population of New Delhi appears to be employed handing out forms to fill in ) has to be seen to be believed , and it is by no means certain that , come 1 November , there will be any paper left to provide the winners with their cheque .
12 He also knew that if Clasper was to be toppled from his influential position as plant convener — which was essential to the long term recovery of the plant — he would have to be seen to be toppled by his own members , acting in their own interests .
13 ‘ This is all very interestin' , ’ said the Mayor , ‘ but I ca n't say one way or t' other , it 'll have to be discussed in council and there 's yon bridge to be seen to now .
14 It is also considered indecent for couples to be seen to be intimate in public because sex should be a private affair , only between man and wife .
15 In Opposition , of course , you have to criticise harder but that criticism has to be seen to be reasonable if you are to succeed .
16 Chirac had to be seen to be making concessions to his defeated rival Le Barre in order to get Le Barre 's support for the run-off against Mitterand .
17 For North , however , to be seen among the local people , to be seen to be doing good generally , even if vaguely , was an essential ingredient in a just war .
18 He wanted the contras to be seen to be dying for their cause , emphasizing both how desperate it was , and how just .
19 The fate of seven ‘ Amcits ’ , a Frenchman and two ‘ Brits ’ was not compelling enough to be seen to be driving policy ; something much more portentous was needed .
20 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
21 It has to be seen to be more socially responsible , to make people feel more comfortable about owning a Rolls . ’
22 Kenyon seems , at this early stage , to wish to be seen to be treading very warily .
23 Four of the relieving kicks he launched in this match had to be seen to be believed , particularly as he varied his kicking foot .
24 No doubt Cardiff feel that they have to be seen to be doing something to restore both their fortunes and their credibility and that the something should be suitably dramatic .
25 It remains to be seen to what extent they can be applied to social work .
26 The school does need to be seen to be taking a sensible and fairly consistent line or doubts will be raised about the strength of school management and accusations of double standards will fly .
27 The narrating self not only sees , but wants to be seen to be seeing : the registration of detail , also praised by Calvino , and the reproduction of objects , gestures and expressions are conscripted into a form of obsessive and narcissistic display on the part of the observer .
28 Leicester Square on a Sunday night has to be seen to be believed , and half the police are queer too ! ’
29 But of course a doctor as she had injuries to be seen to .
30 Norber 's giant mushrooms have to be seen to be believed .
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