Example sentences of "to a [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for this is to ensure that all services central to a solicitors ' practice are regulated by the Law society .
2 There is little in this which is peculiar to a solicitors ' partnership dispute but with regard to the last noted remedy the court recognises the great and possibly irreparable harm that could be done by appointing a receiver over a professional firm and may be reluctant to make such an order at the behest of one disaffected partner ( see Floydd v Cheney [ 1970 ] Ch 602 and Sobell v Boston [ 1975 ] 1 WLR 1587 ) .
3 Perhaps next year we shall discuss flagship problems and decide that each boat must belong to a producers ' or other organisation , which is then allocated a quota from the United Kingdom TAC .
4 All right , they say , a wife is a wife after all , but when it comes to a parents ' decision …
5 Last week I gave a talk to a parents ' committee in one of our schools on how to make a constitution — I felt I was contributing to the growth of grass roots democracy in South Africa .
6 The Major began to feel that Onyx Muggeridge was not quite what he had come to a Parents ' Evening for , and was quite grateful when the headmaster disengaged himself with palpable reluctance from the Fromes and sailed in his direction , exuding Manner .
7 For the police may apply to a magistrates ' court which can issue a ‘ warrant of further detention ’ if it reasonably believes this course of action to be justified .
8 If her answers were unsatisfactory , their report would be taken to a magistrates ' court the next morning and a petition for her " reception order " drawn up and signed by two people — preferably near relatives or representatives of the family .
9 There is an appeal against a notice to a magistrates ' court , but there is no express provision for representations prior to service of the notice .
10 There is an appeal against a notice to a magistrates ' court , but there is no express provision for representations prior to service of the notice .
11 An application for a warrant should be made to a magistrates ' court unless there are public law proceedings pending in the county court or the High Court ( APO , art 3(3) ) .
12 The trader can appeal to a magistrates ' court against the notice and obtain compensation if there has been no contravention .
13 , SCDI 's Tayside Area Chairman ( left ) , welcomed MP , Scottish Office Minister for Industry and Local Government , to a Members ' Dinner in September .
14 The conclusion on the whole matter seems to be that trustees , albeit only the representatives of ulterior beneficial interests , are assessable generally in respect of the trust income under Rule 1 of the Miscellaneous Rules applicable to Schedule D ; but that — just because they represent those beneficial interests they may have a good answer to a particular assessment , as regards some share or part of the income assessed , on the ground that such share or part arises or accrues beneficially to a cestui que trust in whose hands it is not liable to Income Tax , e.g. a foreigner under Case V , Rules 1 and 3 .
15 Satisfied , she retraces her steps until she comes to a Ladies ' cloakroom .
16 I am thirteen years old and go to a girls ' school , predominantly working class , at the Elephant and Castle , London .
17 Sue asked Derek to a girls ' night out and he turned up as Diane .
18 A 12-YEAR-OLD boy who injured a finger in a heavy door when he and a classmate made a late-night visit to a girls ' dormitory during an educational outing , is suing Dumfries and Galloway Regional Council for £5,250 .
19 It will be noted that failure to comply with a direction regarding structural alterations to a seamen 's canteen may result in a refusal to renew the licence It the next application , and not to a fine as under s.36 .
20 Appeals against the decision of a licensing board in an application relating to a seamen 's canteen licence .
21 He had been speaking only a day or two ago to a miners ' meeting attended by what he called the ‘ Scargill Mafia ’ .
22 I mean when I got , when I got here okay er when I was in the lower sixth and I like sort of got in and then like it was so weird being , I mean I 'd never been to a blokes ' school before I came here
23 A British delegate to a teachers ' convention on sex education held in the United States , posed the question , ‘ Why have sex education in our schools ?
24 In some cases a postgraduate diploma is linked to a masters ' degree .
25 A BOY aged nine has been sent by his local council to a Pounds 20,000-a-year public school to escape playground bullies .
26 The small number of women involved in white water paddling , she feels , is due to a women 's attitude to fear and taking risks rather than any negative feelings from male paddlers .
27 A social worker was called in and , with a lot of support , Annie moved to a women 's refuge and then to a small flat .
28 Secrets went on to lend its name to a women 's fiction weekly , and for Mills and Boon it laid the basis for a house style .
29 One woman writing anonymously to a women 's magazine told of her distress at a particularly dehumanizing gynaecological examination .
30 Said to have an equal aversion to women and cats , he left most of his library to a women 's college , St Anne 's .
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