Example sentences of "to the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The one he selected , instantly burst into life and the propeller whizzed round to the utter amazement of all those working in the vicinity .
2 When it came I tried frantically to remember all that had been forced into me by my mentor , and to the utter amazement of all — around but mainly myself — I passed into the 17th Entry at Halton in January 1928 with , I believe , 305 out of a total of just under 400 starters .
3 One pair of these are the sex chromosomes — " female " chromosomes shaped rather like the letter X. The ovum contributes only one chromosome of each pair to the fertilised cell from which a child will develop .
4 Very lonely people turn to the tranquillising help of alcohol particularly , according to psychiatrists , men who live alone .
5 If we told them to point to the empty box they would do so ; but would revert to pointing to the baited box again on the next trial .
6 We also tested a sample of autistic children in the chocolate-finding task and found that they were again behaving just like the three-year-olds : going to the baited box for twenty trials , despite wanting to win chocolates and occasionally trying to filch them from the experimenter 's bag .
7 CA European marketing manager , Mike Maunder , says ‘ we were inundated with demands on a worldwide basis to respond to the downsizing issue , and now we 're doing just that . ’
8 The task of the great turn-off was undertaken by , supervisor of typing services since the company first moved to the four-storey building in March , 1971 .
9 The King takes a disliking to the cheshire cat but expects the cat to show respect towards him .
10 Spurs striker Gordon Durie returns to the slimline squad after recovering from injury , but there is no place for Manchester United 's Brian McClair .
11 I refer especially to the Sessional Order that deals with witnesses to the House .
12 According to The Impossible Investigation , a book by police Inspector Antoine Gaudino published in October 1990 , Urbatechnic had made payments allegedly worth F25,000,000 ( rather than the official figure of F100,000 ) towards Mitterrand 's presidential campaign .
13 Erm , the value , what you 'd actually do , the value of the Japanese fund at the bid price , , would be allocated to the , at the bid price to the managed fund .
14 Furthermore , the convulsion of 1967 concentrated yet more Palestinians around the most sensitive parts of the kingdom , Amman itself and the towns running northwards to the Syrian border .
15 The visit of President Hosni Mubarak to the Syrian capital , Damascus , for talks with President Hafez al Assad on May 2-3 , was the first by an Egyptian leader for 13 years and marked the full normalization of relations between the two countries , broken off in November 1977 at the start of Egypt 's peace initiative with Israel .
16 On Aug. 8 the British hostage John McCarthy was released in Beirut ; he was swiftly transported to the Syrian capital , Damascus , and thence flown back to the United Kingdom .
17 By 1980 , with the IPC ‘ H ’ line to Haifa long since closed , there remained the 1.4 million b/d ‘ T ’ line to Tripoli on the Lebanese coast , with its branch off to the Syrian port at Banias .
18 The magazine Private Eye was more scathing , having already denounced the Thatcher and Bush governments for agreeing ‘ that they will not pursue any further the terrorists who bombed the plane over Lockerbie since they are known to be close to the Syrian government ’ ( 28 September 1991 ) .
19 On Sept. 18-19 Baker delivered to the Syrian government a draft version of a " letter of assurances " reportedly confirming that the US regarded the Golan Heights as an occupied territory .
20 Some reports in early December alleged that Arad was being held in Syria , having been handed over to the Syrian government by Hezbollah , although Hezbollah officially denied any knowledge of Arad .
21 Illegal narcotics contributed at least $5 billion a year to the Syrian economy , almost all of it in American dollars and other hard currencies .
22 During his time in Israel Baker received no formal response from Shamir to the Syrian acceptance of the US plan .
23 He had gone then to the Syrian Embassy and had applied for a visa for himself , for his English-born wife , for his two daughters .
24 Rashid had left the flat only once , to go by taxi to the Syrian Embassy to press further his application for asylum , and on that occasion , while he had talked and drunk coffee in an inner office his two daughters had sat outside with their colouring books and crayons .
25 Colt thought it a serious mistake by his target to have gone in person to the Syrian Embassy .
26 During the building of Cat Bank £3 was paid to Thomas Barrow for damage to his adjoining land , but it was Joseph Barrow who was paid £5 : 13s. : 9d. for land taken to widen the road from the Black Bull Inn to the fell gate — in all 273 yards at 5d .
27 The origin of the synagogue goes back to the Babylonian period .
28 Example 2:6 Right of way : unlimited times and vehicles The right in common with the landlord and all others having the like right to pass and repass ( but not to park or except in emergency to stop ) with or without vehicles at all times and for all purposes connected with the use of the demised property ( but not otherwise ) over the road coloured on the attached plan Example 2:7 Right of way : limited times and vehicles ; right to load , etc The right in common with the landlord and all others having the like right to pass and repass on foot and with vehicles not exceeding … feet in length or … tonnes ( unladen weight ) at any time between 6 am on Monday and 8 pm on Friday in each week ( except public holidays ) for all purposes connected with the use of the demised property ( but not otherwise ) over the road coloured on the attached plan and to park any such vehicle for such period as may be reasonable for the purpose only of loading or unloading it Example 2:8 Right of way : right to load etc in loading bay The right at all times with or without vehicles to pass and repass over the road leading from to the demised property ( but not to halt or park any vehicle thereon except in case of emergency ) for all purposes connected with the use of the demised property and the right for the same purposes to use the loading bay coloured on the attached plan for loading and unloading any such vehicle ( b ) Stairs and passages In a lease of property on an upper floor of a building there will be implied an easement of necessity to use a staircase that is its sole means of access ( Altmann v Boatman ( 1963 ) 186 EG 109 ) .
29 Example 2:9 Right of way : limited times The right in common with the landlord and all others having the like right at all times between 8.30 am and 6.30 pm on weekdays and between 8.30 am and 1.30 pm on Saturdays ( but not on public holidays ) to pass and repass on foot only through the main entrance to the building of which the demised property forms part and over the stairs and corridors leading therefrom to the demised property ( c ) Lifts A right to use a lift may be implied in the case of a letting on , say , the tenth floor of a block ( Liverpool City Council v Irwin [ 1977 ] AC 239 ) or where it would be inconvenient and uneconomic for the tenant to use the stairs ( Dikstein v Kanevsky [ 1947 ] VLR 216 ) .
30 It will not therefore form part of the demised property and obligations relating to the demised property will not apply to it .
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