Example sentences of "to the time when " in BNC.

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1 The logical crisis went back to the time when he first started to read philosophy as an undergraduate and related to his reading of the English Idealist philosophers , as well as to his return ( for the purposes of passing his exams , and later as a tutor ) to the English empiricists of the eighteenth century .
2 But if film executives were to be believed , the majority of the audience was less interested in salving their fears about wars and conflicts ahead than in looking back to the time when Britain had a role to play in the world .
3 The term ‘ peppercorn rent ’ related to the time when the spice commanded a high price , although such a charge nowadays is generally disregarded .
4 In order to find out what the substantive law is , we must still go back to the time when Law and Equity were administered in different courts ; we may still have to picture to ourselves distinct proceedings taken about the same matter in those courts , and work out the result of those separate proceedings .
5 After the events of chapter 26 he brings us to the time when Isaac is nearing death , and to the point when the blessing of the eldest son must be given .
6 Much of the legislation harks back to the time when individuals were less readily identifiable than they are nowadays and so protection was necessary to ensure that foul play was not involved .
7 Knox , when he wrote his History of the Reformation in the 1560s , looked back to the time when ‘ all men esteemed the Governor to have been the most fervent Protestant that there was in all Europe ’ , so that although ‘ The Papists raged against the Governor ’ , his fame ‘ was spread in divers countries ’ .
8 ‘ Looking back now to the time when the site for these premises was chosen , and realising the state of affairs existing in this type of works , it is surprising to me that this process was ever permitted on this site at all ( being figuratively speaking within arms length of the dwellings ) .
9 The epoch of blue shift is usually confined to the time when the object is still inside the event horizon .
10 The Second period is that which starts from the beginning of life and reaches onward to the time when the law of the survival of the fittest with its ruthlessness could no longer serve the aspirations towards increasing happiness that were beginning to creep into the dawning consciousness of primitive man .
11 From that time which here and elsewhere has been vaguely defined as the dawn of civilisation , to the time when the need to have a ‘ god ’ had reached the point where traces of its implementation were left for modern man to find , must have been many thousands of years .
12 The first dates back two and a half thousand years to the time when the Persians were at war with the Egyptians .
13 I left him to his problems because it was coming up to the time when Emil had said the crew should board the train , and I was due back in the coffee shop .
14 The custom of asking for permission to marry has less significance nowadays ; it harks back to the time when a father had control over his unmarried daughter 's money until a husband came along .
15 Thieves probably benefited from a certain popular tolerance which dated back to the time when individual thefts of cattle were a legitimate means of pursuing a dispute .
16 ‘ The work of the diocese will go on and we look forward to the time when he can be back with us and working amongst us again . ’
17 ‘ I would n't do such a thing — unlike some people around here , ’ she added under her breath , referring to the time when Mildred had accidently changed Ethel into a pig during their first term at the school .
18 Perhaps it can be traced even deeper in the past — we can go back to the time when the woman first attracted the man whose child she will later bear , or to the onset of her menstruation , when her body signalled its readiness for pregnancy .
19 ‘ You have to look ahead to the time when you leave football , and I wanted to prepare for a life in sport and leisure management , ’ he said .
20 Mr and Mrs Wormwood looked forward enormously to the time when they could pick their little daughter off and flick her away , preferably into the next county or even further than that .
21 All the Careers Services will be running an On Course help and advice service from 21 August to the time when higher education courses actually start .
22 Officers wore scrimshaws as jewellery along with the most noble , holy decorations incorporating tiny slivers of the Emperor 's own armour from aeons ago , prior to the time when that Divine Immortal was prisoned in his prosthetic golden throne .
23 The aircraft , a well used Boeing 707/436 , had spent much of its life on the trunk routes of BOAC and it had accumulated about 47 000 flying hours up to the time when the crack was discovered .
24 And we go way back — way , way back , back to the time when you could still buy mono records , when kiwi fruit were yet to be devised , when the khaki-clad representative of the Automobile Association would salute the passing motorist , when a packet of Gold Flake cost a groat and a half and you still had change for a flagon of mead .
25 Earlier marriage meant a great increase in teenage births in the 1960s , up to the time when average age at marriage increased ( after 1972 ) , when legitimate births to teenagers began to fall as well .
26 Look forward to the time when you rocking horse is all finished and you will be able to stand back and watch your children or grandchildren happily riding this beautiful heirloom that you have created , and you will be able to say with pride and satisfaction , ‘ I made that . ’
27 This , we hoped , would permit us to see the various stages of the project in operation from the time when a school began to plan its proposal to the time when the materials purchased with project funds were already in use .
28 With few exceptions , most people would wish to have a holiday of at leapt two weeks in the summer period which for some may also be confined to the time when children are on holiday from school or when the local factory is closed .
29 Rug-making in the Balkans can be traced back to the time when the peninsula was under the control of the Turkish empire .
30 We know very precisely the age at the top of the coral when it was uplifted and died and what we 've done is counted these bands back through hundreds of years , back to the time when the coral first started growing and that was in the year fifteen eighty three .
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