Example sentences of "to the national [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Janet Postance , Landscore 's head , carries about with her a cardboard box which might once have held apples , now replaced with documents relating to the national curriculum , the Devon Education Authority curriculum and her own school curriculum .
2 Furthermore , the Commission sent recommendations to the National Curriculum Council on the matter .
3 Let us take as reasonably authoritative pronouncements the address by MacGregor and Howell to which we have already referred and the recommendations of the Speaker 's Commission to the National Curriculum Council .
4 The broadcast opened with a clear statement of the Liberal Party 's principled opposition to the National Curriculum ; Colin Ward writes that ‘ no party opposes it ’ .
5 However , later in this chapter there are some general suggestions which may be of assistance to those who will be responsible for incorporating into statements modifications to the National Curriculum requirements .
6 I never got good enough ( or brave enough ) to test her advice out , but , being by inclination an optimist , I would like to think that something of the same logic would apply to the National Curriculum and its tests .
7 Thus a pupil may be exempted from the national curriculum in the short or longer term ; what exactly he or she will then ‘ receive ’ ( i.e. the relationship of an individualised curriculum to the national curriculum ) is of course a crucial issue .
8 However , these various measures are perfectly consistent in the sense that they encroach decisively on areas on which local authorities exercise responsibility and , since the Secretary of State will have a key role in connection with financial delegation and ‘ opting out ’ , the measures must be said to reinforce the centralism which is reflected most obviously in the measures to the national curriculum .
9 How does Compact relate to the National Curriculum ?
10 How does Compact relate to the National Curriculum ?
11 There is a contradiction which has pervaded responses to the National Curriculum in special education .
12 Profiles of Development ( Webster and Webster 1990 ) is a package designed to assist teachers to assess , teach and monitor the progress of children in relation to the National Curriculum .
13 A National Curriculum Council has been set up to advise the Secretary of State on matters relating to the national curriculum and to supervise the introduction of new curricula into schools and review their progress .
14 Child Consultants , independent educational psychologists , have recently produced the ‘ Scholarcheck ’ test to assess children 's achievements in reading , spelling and maths , in relation to their age and to the National Curriculum .
15 As is evident from the extent of objections in the educational journals and in the summary of responses ( Haviland , 1988 ) to the National Curriculum consultation document ( DES , 1987 ) , the writer 's research uncovered a substantial resistance to this ideological shift from the teaching profession .
16 Virtually every school in the country has a head teacher who is responsible for the overall running of the school and for the rules , discipline and curriculum , under the guidance of the school 's governors and subject to any requirements of the LEA and , since the 1988 Education Reform Act , to the national curriculum .
17 It is still uncertain how much time schools will have to devote to the national curriculum and its various subjects , and how much they will be able to give to other activities .
18 From the same stable , come two rather different products , both of which conform to the National Curriculum and are well presented additions to the fast improving library of educational software available for the PC : —
19 He merely strengthens the conclusions of the three wise men , who think that there may have been some recent decline but who certainly did not atribute it to the national curriculum , as the hon. Gentleman did .
20 The recent report of the National Foundation for Educational Research did not attribute any decline to the national curriculum ; the interpretation placed on it by the hon. Lady and her hon. Friend the Member for Ealing , Southall ( Mr. Bidwell ) is based on a deliberate misreading of the report .
21 Why have we decided to relate the responsibility and the duty to the national curriculum ?
22 It refers to the reduction in the number of teachers , to cuts in the provision for children with special educational needs , to larger classes , to cuts in the expenditure on books and equipment and to the national curriculum .
23 It is hoped that it will inform school and teacher policy and practice , especially in assisting in the adaptation to the National Curriculum , and in advising on the extent such teaching promotes equal opportunities .
24 That the preparation of a development plan should be a matter of self-training follows from those steps which the SDPP suggests , for instance , in auditing the curriculum : check whether the planned curriculum meets the statutory requirement ; identify possible gaps or overlap between subject areas ; ensure that where two or more subjects or activities are concerned with the same range of objectives , this is recognized and used positively ; analyse the curriculum for each year group in terms of curriculum objectives within and outside the National Curriculum ; decide in which part of the school curriculum to locate work leading to the National Curriculum and other school curriculum objectives ; assess how much teaching time is available and how best to use it ; compare planned provision with actual provision ; judge whether curriculum issues need to be among priorities of development ( DES 1989e : 7 )
25 For example a curriculum leader in a small primary school leads a small group to scrutinise a selection of pupils ' work from different year groups to examine progression and continuity and their relation to the National Curriculum a department in a secondary school reviews its curricular provision ; assesses the implications of the National Curriculum for that subject ; analyses policies and practice on pupil assessment ; analyses examination/test results ; reviews pupils ' written work to check on progression and continuity a team considers relations with parents and the wider community the head , a deputy or a senior teacher leads a working party on topics such as cross-curricular issues , curriculum provision as a whole , pupil attendance , school documentation the staff development or INSET co-ordinator leads a working party to review staff development , INSET provision and dissemination , teacher appraisal , care of probationer teachers ( DES 1989e:8 ) .
26 Those schools which have moved in this direction will find their responses to the National Curriculum much more easily managed " ( Briault and West 1990:21 ) .
27 In short , the value of history as a school subject must be constantly and publicly argued because : ( 1 ) history may lose out in any modification to the National Curriculum ; ( 2 ) in the implementation of the existing national curriculum it may be marginalised in the scramble for resources and timetable space ; ( 3 ) a rigorous projection of the value of the subject is important to the well-being of the school in the face of competition from other schools and possible closure ; ( 4 ) students have a choice at Key Stage 4 and in the sixth form and it is essential for the integrity of the subject that single-subject history should have a good representation at both levels ; ( 5 ) above all history has much to offer to the student of the 1990s .
28 While religious education follows the Catholic faith , the rest of the school timetable is devoted to the National Curriculum with a strong emphasis on pastoral care .
29 Teachers and students alike will be familiar with the changes made to the national curriculum in response to this problem .
30 After taking advice from Religious Education Advisers , it was felt that the project would not address issues from a faith perspective , and was not essentially relevant to the National Curriculum .
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