Example sentences of "to many [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Regulations establish a structured approach which will be familiar to many employers who already take their approach to health and safety seriously .
2 This happened to many punters who shorted bank stocks last year just as the Federal Reserve eased interest rates and so triggered a sharp rally in bank share prices .
3 I have travelled round England and Wales listening to many teachers who had much to say .
4 We will maintain the Assisted Places scheme , which gives access to independent education to many families who could otherwise not afford it .
5 And , because of what had happened to his father , honesty and integrity were of far greater importance to him than to many businessmen she had worked for .
6 Because of the internal pressure of these reactions , the star swells up to many times its former size to become a ‘ red giant ’ .
7 But , further , we shall find that our conception of property relates to many things which are not tangible or material .
8 To many delegates their presence is a holiday and a reward .
9 As we know , the FORM , or pattern shaping , is an integral part of the Electronic E-6000 , but it has been around on Passap System machines as the Form Computer Program for ten years or so , and to many knitters it is still surrounded by mystery and suspicion .
10 To many users its most attractive feature is that load position is monitored directly , so that even under the worst load conditions there is no possibility of losing synchronism between step commands and rotor position .
11 Professions are sometimes referred to as institutions , but the interesting point is that compared to many institutions they function less on the basis of formal , explicit regulations and codes than on informal , tacit norms and expectations .
12 For instance , to many researchers there does not seem to be a universal cause of depression : some depressions are due to lost love-objects ; some seem to be more constitutionally based .
13 However , for a very reasonable price this book will be helpful to many enthusiasts who are seeking to learn more about their hobby .
14 The suggestion at the time that the Labour Party had been behind Profumo 's downfall was a little unfair to many members who repeatedly expressed their misgivings about the scandalous imputations , which several of them could not regard as a proper currency for a political difference .
15 The organism is in i is inspired into the alveolar spaces and it 's taken up by alveolar , the standard er abbreviation for macrophage and , the organism i in contrast to many others which we 've sort of er die fairly rapidly after being taken up by these phagocytic cells , says Goodee !
16 But to many others it is a way of life with roots so deep in the national culture that any government at all respectful of individual liberty would be politically reckless to try to pull them up .
17 As well as its human population , Altdorf is also home to many Dwarfs whose ancestors settled there when their mountain strongholds fell to enemy attack .
18 Of course , this is common to many criminals who define the victim of their criminality as being rich enough to withstand the loss .
19 In the USSR and Japan , national teams are also pursuing the dream , but to many observers it seems to be just that — a dream that may not be fulfilled .
20 This is why Domesday Book does not refer to many churches which are known to have existed from other evidence .
21 By finding ways to reduce stress , for instance , according to many practitioners it is possible to look ten years younger , your quality of life will be enhanced and the benefits will also manifest themselves in longevity .
22 To many newcomers they can seem a celebration of village conviviality , but closer inspection often reveals that who actually speaks to whom depends very much on background and life-style .
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