Example sentences of "to her for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It did not occur to her for a moment that she might not be right .
2 And Jeannie , I remember Jeannie well and wrote to her for a while , but she was not much of a correspondent . ’
3 Charles had given it to her for a joke , suggesting she use it as a visual aid to introduce Saussurean linguistics to first-year undergraduates , holding the tube aloft to demonstrate that what is onomatopoeia in one language community may be obscenity in another .
4 I beg you to allow me to speak to her for a few moments , and , if you would be so kind , also to yourself .
5 After talking to her for a while I asked her if she was English .
6 Sheila talks to her mother about the situation and her mother says the social workers are quite right ; Sheila was heavy-handed with the children and has had this coming to her for a long time .
7 And then he looked in her direction , smiled and waved over the woman 's shoulder , continued to talk to her for a few moments , then laid a hand on her arm for an instant and moved towards Helen .
8 I did n't always agree with her Chopin , and her Liszt was a disaster area , but I 'd listen to her for a long time if it 's Schumann .
9 It held the faint tang of a man 's aftershave and she hugged it to her for a moment before realising how ridiculous she was being .
10 She was desperate for more of him ; her body ached for fulfilment , for the feel of his need and strength inside — so that when he entered her , when she felt that first wondrous thrust , which brought both pleasure and pain , it was as she 'd always dreamed , and as his urgent rhythm continued , bringing them both to that glorious peak of exhilaration , Robyn cried out his name , held him close to her for a moment and wished things could be like this forever .
11 wishes to retire as Editor after the May issue of Medau News , and our thanks go to her for a long and excellent Editorship .
12 oh yeah , and end up not speaking to her for a month
13 And we had to laugh , he said , well can you be ill a bit longer because he , er , he cooked her something to eat and he feeds her and so when I rang up I never got her on th , I never spoke to her for a week !
14 Then she said she felt happy enough to skip the Ecstasy experiment and , instead , to have an early night , so I refused to talk to her for the rest of the meal — rightly , I think — and on the way home I walked stiffly three yards ahead of her .
15 I did n't speak to her for the rest of the day , of course , and this made her laugh , I do n't know why .
16 Anne herself found that when she voiced her grievances quietly and calmly , rather than screaming them , her family paid attention to her for the first time .
17 We kissed goodnight , and I again apologised to her for the fright she had .
18 Seeing that my daughter Anna has not availed herself of my advice touching the objectionable practice of going about with her arms bare to the elbows , my will is that , should she continue after my death this violation of the modesty of her sex , all goods , chattels , moneys , land , and other that I have devised to her for the maintenance of her future life shall pass to the oldest of the sons of my sister Caroline .
19 Unusually , no blame is attached to her for the outcome .
20 ‘ She must stand half an hour longer on that chair , and nobody may speak to her for the rest of the day . ’
21 Her heart thumped painfully as she remembered him making love to her for the first time , the hard , forceful thrust of his body coming much quicker than she had expected , an abrupt shock after all the gentleness that had gone before .
22 The unremitting contempt had become unendurable , although it occurred to her for the first time that Luke might actually resent her .
23 The Inspector turned to her for the first time , but if he was cheered by her observation he gave no sign of his approval .
24 Neither was she too happy about the epithet ‘ min skat ’ , which he 'd applied to her for the second time that day .
25 It occurred to her for the first time that there were a couple of curious anomalies in her childhood .
26 It occurred to her for the first time that there was no sign of a car , apart from her own .
27 It sounded as though the reality of what they were doing had come home to her for the first time .
28 Faye could not paint or draw while lying in bed , but in the mornings Belinda usually read to her for an hour while she rested her eyes , then left her alone for the remainder of the morning to rest or scribble ideas for future painting projects .
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