Example sentences of "to [pn reflx] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The truly happy life has the resources of a great river that flows endlessly , bringing strength and hope to ourselves and to others .
2 And I think what we 've got to think about is what our general attitude is to ourselves and to our other road users that are around us .
3 Finally , Step V " Admitted to God , to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs " involves a lengthy ( usually several hours ) session with another human-being ( commonly a clergyman , specifically trained to be non-judgemental and non-denominational in the process , but sometimes a counsellor or some -other person ) to rid one 's self of the continuing sole burden of shame and guilt .
4 We are sure that the exercise will prove beneficial both to ourselves and to the individuals who undertake the unit .
5 A background paper ( Appendix D ) describes some of the limitations of conventional floristic and monographic writing , and outlines some of the ways in which computing can assist in conducting scientific research in these areas and in making the scientific information thus obtained available to ourselves and to others .
6 That we have an obligation to ourselves and to others , to ensure everyone receives justice .
7 It 's true that that is a common feature really from the time of for the last five hundred million years , from the time of the earliest fish to ourselves and to the birds and everybody else , but it 's like that not because there is some kind of profound law of form , which says that 's the kind of organism which is in permitted by the laws of development to arise , erm I mean the law form would be something like erm a law of physics which says that if objects move round the sun they 're going to do so in ellipses with the sun at one focus .
8 He had to justify himself somehow , both to himself and to the public .
9 The difference with Bill was that he had the power to be able to make his fantasy come true and that he lacked the self control , and the basic decency to say ‘ no ’ to himself and to Mandy .
10 All over the world , mystics had told the adept that he must die to himself and to all that he knows ; he must experience annihilation and extinction , which the Sufis call 'fana .
11 Dangerous , that was , to himself and to the snoring Matchsticks beside him .
12 He is indeed more object than subject , both to himself and to those among whom he has arrived .
13 Only a year ago the Shah had seemed to himself and to his allies to be utterly secure .
14 And out of the crowd came this man who knelt before Jesus and pleaded for mercy for his son , an epileptic , who suffered terribly , was a danger to himself and to others .
15 During the revolutionary period in France , following the fall of Louis Philippe in 1848 , Buddicom struggled valiantly to keep the railway in operation despite considerable physical danger to himself and to his family .
16 Indifferent to himself and to others .
17 Put into precise terms , one can say that , in clinical and applied psychoanalysis , the individualistic fallacy alleges that the individual 's Oedipus complex is wholly explicable by reference to himself and to his family situation , without regard to the history of that complex or to the origins of the family and of human psychological structures as a whole .
18 an event that caused considerable anxiety to himself and to his girlfriend ( patient E22 ) who was P cepacia-negative .
19 Taken off by it in an acute , short , not often painful illness , the old man escapes those ‘ cold gradations of decay ’ so distressing to himself and to his friends . ’
20 He wanted to prove to himself and to others this sort of crime could be successfully committed .
21 As though you know erm after all head known all about it this is the to himself and by doing that then abbreviated then , that 's when the reader was supposed to take it as a thought process rather than a
22 But as society developed , men began to take control of the world and felt their separation from it ; instead of seeing themselves as deeply identified with their environment , people became aware of the personality as perspicacious to itself and as a unique , distinct entity .
23 His prose too is highly mannered in both his Latin and his English treatises ; it calls attention to itself and to the writer in striking contrast to the calm , lucid prose of our other mystics , who are all careful to make it clear that their word is not law but only their own opinion .
24 ‘ He who controls the past controls the future ’ is the message of his last utopia : a sense of history is ultimately power , since a people is guided and governed by a collective sense of what it means to itself and to the world , and history gives it that sense , and only history .
25 It was that a significant proportion of the elderly population was an asset to the community if allowed to be economically active , but a burden , both to itself and to society , if forced to retire .
26 It is simply that a permissive culture which makes increasingly fewer demands on the egos and superegos of its citizens where self-restraint , postponement of gratification and drive-inhibition in general are concerned must — unless it is to dissolve in anarchy — abrogate those restraining , controlling and inhibiting functions to itself and to its agencies of social control .
27 She may even do this by denying the bad experiences in her marriage to herself and to others , remembering only the good times , however few they were , and concentrating her thoughts on the positive aspects of her husband 's personality .
28 She had to admit , however , both to herself and to Tempy , that she was delighted when old Lady Lassiter moved to the Dower House , taking with her not only her maid , but also one or two of the older servants .
29 There was a stack of crumpled brown paper , some of it addressed to herself and to Edward or Louise and bearing injunctions about not opening before Christmas ; she recognised the handwriting of aunts and godmothers .
30 She continued to mutter threateningly to herself and to anyone who might listen .
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